
260 BCE

Approximate foundation of Laodikeia ad Lycon by Antiochos II in honor of his wife, Laodike.

220 BCE

Achaios declares himself king of the region including Laodikeia ad Lykon.

213 BCE

Achaios, who ruled over the territory including Laodikeia ad Lykon, is defeated by Antiochos III.

212 BCE

Antiochos III transports 2000 Jewish families from Babylon to Laodikeia ad Lykon.

204 BCE

The Romans remove a large black meteorite(?) from Pessinos to Rome as part of introducing the Cult of the Great Mother of Ida to Rome to counter an alarming number of meteor showers.

189 BCE

Gnaeus Manlius Vulso travels through Synnada on an expedition against the Galatians.

188 BCE
183 BCE

Pessinos is made a sanctuary by the Attalid kings.

133 BCE

Adramytteion, Smyrna, Sestos, Synnada, Philadelphia, Laodikeia ad Lykon, Attalaia, Erythrai, Ephesos, Perge, and Assos come under Roman control after Attalos III, the last Attalid king, leaves it to Rome in his will.

90 BCE

An earthquake attested by Jewish sources destroys Apamea.

88 BCE

Adramytteion, Ephesos, Pergamon, Magnesia, Tralles, Apamea, Samos, Kolophon, Smyrna, and Sardis occupied by Mithridates VI as part of the Mithridatic Wars against Rome.

84 BCE

Sulla defeats Mithridates VI and ends the Mithridatic Wars with the Treaty of Dardanos. Adramytteion, Ephesos, Pergamon, Smyrna, Sardis, Tralles, Kolophon, Apamea, and Magnesia return to Roman control.

84 BCE

Sulla makes Apamea in Phrygia a local capital.

63 BCE

Approximate year when Pompey rewards Deiotaros for his assistance against Mithridates VI by making him King of Galatia. Pessinos loses its sacred status.

62 BCE

The Roman Flaccus confiscates 45 kg of gold intended for the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem at Apamea in Phrygia.

50 BCE

Cicera holds legal sessions at Laodikeia ad Lykon.

43 BCE

Cassius plunders the temples of Laodikeia ad Lykon.

36 BCE

Pessinos becomes the capital of the Galatian tribe of theTolistobogii.

15 CE

The temple at Pessinos is constructed.

60 CE

Laodikeia ad Lykon is destroyed by an earthquake. Nero provides funds for the rebuild.

366 CE
May 27

Valens orders the execution of Procopius at Nakoleia.