Siscia 364-367 CE
AE 2.66g, 19mm
Obv: D N VALENS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev: GLORIA ROMANORVM, Emperor advancing right, dragging captive and holding labarum; star above A in right field, •BSISC in exergue.
RIC 5b
328 CE

Birth of Valens in Pannonia.

364 CE

Valentinian I and Valens order the arrest of Procopius, but he escapes with his family.

364 CE
March 28

Valentinian I selects his brother Valens as co-augustus.

365 CE
November 1

Valentinian I learns of the revolt of Procopius against Valens and an invasion of Gaul by the Alemanni.

366 CE
May 27

Valens orders the execution of Procopius.

367 CE

Valens crosses the Danube to attack Athanaric of the Visigoths.

370 CE

Valens and the Visigoths under Athanaric agree to a truce.

371 CE

Shapur II attacks Armenia but is defeated by Traianus and Vadomarius, generals of Valens.

375 CE
November 17

Valentinian dies of a stroke in Hungary, leaving Gratian as the sole western Emperor. Valens becomes the senior emperor.

378 CE

Gratian releases an edict of religious tolerance and restores bishops exiled by Valens.

378 CE
August 9

Valens is killed at the Battle of Adrianople by Gothic rebels. Gratian had earlier sent a letter begging his uncle Valens to wait for his arrival, but it was ignored.