Rome 117-138 CE
AR Denarius 18mm, 3,13g
Obv: HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P. Head of Hadrian, laureate, right.
Rev: ADVENTVS AVG. Roma standing right, holding spear and clasping hands with Hadrian, standing left, holding scroll.
Ref: RIC 1983; Cohen 84; BMC 583
January 24
Birth of Hadrian.
Death of Hadrian’s parents. He and his sister become wards of Trajan.
Hadrian serves as military tribune with the Legio II.
Hadrian is elected quaestor.
Hadrian is in Trajan‘s entourage during the First Dacian War, likely to keep records.
Hadrian is elected praetor.
Hadrian serves as legate of the Legio I Minervia.
Hadrian serves as governor of Lower Pannonia.
Hadrian defeats an invasion by a Sarmatian tribe.
Hadrian briefly serves as ruler of Athens and is granted Athenian citizenship.
Hadrian joins Trajan‘s Parthian campaign as legate.
Hadrian suppresses the Kitos War in Judea.
August 8
Trajan dies in Selinos, Cilicia. Hadrian becomes Emperor.
The historian Suetonius is dismissed by Hadrian for conducting himself too informally with Sabina.
A triumphal arch is constructed by Hadrian in Perge.
Hadrian initiates construction of Hadrian’s Wall.
Hadrian visits Britannia.
Hadrian’s Nymphaeum is constructed in Perge.
Hadrian travels to Mauretania and personally leads an assault against local rebels.
Hadrian visits Kyrene.
Hadrian visits Nikaia after it’s damaged by an earthquake.
Hadrian visits Samothrace.
Hadrian first encounters Antinous at Claudiopolis.
Hadrian revives the Sanctuary to Asklepios at Epidauros.
The Emperor Hadrian founds Hadrianotherea to commemorate a successful hunt.
Hadrian puts plans into place to complete the Temple of Zeus at Kyzikos.
Hadrian is initiated into the Eleusinian Mysteries.
Hadrian visits Athens again.
Hadrian restores the Temple of Poseidon Hippios in Mantinea and changes the city’s name back to Mantinea (from Antigoneia).
Hadrian devotes considerable resources to complete the Temple of Olympian Zeus, under construction for centuries in Athens.
Hadrian visits Sicily.
Hadrian completes his villa (still visitable today) outside of Rome.
Hadrian divides Italy into four regions.
Hadrian sets off on a tour of Italy.
Emperor Hadrian visits Carthage, promoting further development and establishing it as a thriving Roman city.
Hadrian visits Africa.
Hadrian returns to Rome.
Hadrian again attends the Eleusinian Mysteries.
Hadrian visits Phaselis and builds a triple-arched gateway.
Hadrian visits Judea and decides to rebuilt the ruined Jerusalem as Aelia Capitolina.
Hadrian bestows Tyre with the title of Metropolis.
Hadrian arrives in Egypt.
Antinous falls into the Nile and drowns. Hadrian is enormously distraught.
October 30
Hadrian founds the city of Antinoöpolis to commemorate Antinous.
Poetry is written for Sabina on her visit with Hadrian to Egypt.
November 20
Hadrian visits the Colossi of Memnon in Egypt.
Hadrian spends the winter in Athens amd dedicates the Temple of Olympian Zeus.
Bar Kokhba Revolt breaks out in Judea during Hadrian’s reign.
Forces under Hadrian quell the Bar Kokhba revolt in Judea, leaving roughly 580,000 Jews dead. Many of the survivors are enslaved.
Hadrian chooses Lucius Aelius, as his adopted son and heir.
Antoninus Pius is adopted by Emperor Hadrian, making him the designated successor after the death of Hadrian’s first choice, Aelius Caesar.
Death of Sabina, wife of Hadrian.
February 25
Faustina the Younger is engaged to Lucius Verus. This is later ended by her father Antoninus Pius when Hadrian changes his succession plans.
February 25
Antoninus Pius is adopted as Hadrian’s new heir and subsequently adopts Lucius Verus and Marcus Aurelius as part of the arrangement.
July 10
Hadrian dies and Antoninus Pius becomes emperor at the age of 51. He persuades the Senate to deify Hadrian, earning him the title Pius for his devotion. Faustina becomes Empress.
An earthquake destroys Kyzikos, including the newly built Temple to Hadrian. Funds for its rebuilding are allocated by Antoninus Pius.