Apollo | Lyre | Nike | Quadriga
Lydia, Tralles
circa 300-200 BCE
AE 5.91g 21mm
Obv: Laureate head of Apollo right.
Rev: [TPAΛ] / ΛIANΩN // [magistrates name] Nike driving quadriga right; to outer right, lyre
Apparently unpublished

The city of Tralleis was founded by Aeolians and then conquered by the Persians. Sparta attempted to capture it from the Persians, but it was Alexander the Great who finally succeeded when the city surrendered without a fight. Alexander himself never traveled to the city, but he received a delegation from them while at Miletos and accepted their handover of the city to him.

This coin may have been one of the first coins minted in Tralleis.

334 BCE

Tralleis surrenders to Alexander III without incident.

313 BCE

Antigonos Monophthalmos obtains control of Tralleis.

301 BCE

Tralleis comes under Seleukid control.

190 BCE

Tralleis is taken by the Kingdom of Pergamon.

129 BCE

Tralleis is punished by Rome for supporting the pretender Eumenes III by losing the privilege to mint coins.

88 BCE

Adramytteion, Ephesos, Pergamon, Magnesia, Tralles, Apamea, Samos, Kolophon, Smyrna, and Sardis occupied by Mithridates VI as part of the Mithridatic Wars against Rome.

84 BCE

Sulla defeats Mithridates VI and ends the Mithridatic Wars with the Treaty of Dardanos. Adramytteion, Ephesos, Pergamon, Smyrna, Sardis, Tralles, Kolophon, Apamea, and Magnesia return to Roman control.

26 BCE

Tralleis is severely damaged by an earthquake. Augustus provides funds for the reconstruction, so Tralleis renames itself to Caesarea.