The city of Kabyle is established.
652 BCE
Abdera led by Timesios of Klazomenai.
Abdera begun as a colony of Klazomenai.
Apollonia Pontika is founded by settlers from Miletos.
Approximate founding of Kallatis by settlers from Herakleia Pontika.
Sestos is colonized by settlers from Lesbos.
Abdera conquered by Persia.
Samothrace is occupied by Persia.
Histaios besieges Thasos, but is unsuccessful.
Abdera conquered again by the Persians after the Ionian revolt, under their general Mardonius.
Xerxes I bridges the Hellespont near Sestos.
The Persian satrap Artayctes desecrates the grove of Protesilaos at Elaios. He is later crucified for the offense by the Athenian general Xanthippos.
A large meteorite lands near Aigiospotamoi. At the same time, a comet is reported, which may be the first European mention of Halley’s Comet.
Abdera taxed 10 to 15 talents as part of the First Athenian League.
430 BCE
Agathopolis first colonized by Greek settlers.
The Battle of Sphacteria between Athens and Sparta is fought at the entrance to the Bay of Pylos, resulting in an Athenian victory. Ainos, Imbros, and the cities of Lemnos (Myrina, Hephaistia) provide support.
Mesembria joins the Delian League.
Lysander destroys the Athenian fleet at the mouth of the Aigiospotamoi. Just before, the Athenian triremes arrive at Elaios to discover that Lysander is in control of Lampsakos.
Thasos falls to Sparta under Lysander.
Sestos is occupied by the Spartans under Lysander.
Eresos, Byzantion, Chios,Mytilene, Methymna, Rhodes, Thebes, Korkyra, Eretria, Kios, Samos, Naxos, Andros, Myrina (Lembos), Hephaistia, Imbros, and Thasos join the Second Athenian League, reaffirming its alliance with Athens in response to the growing threat of Persian interference and internal Greek conflicts.
Abdera destroyed by an invasion of Thracian Triballi tribe.
Autophradates lay siege to Ariobarzanes in Assos. In exchange for Athenian support, Ariobarzanes gifts them Sestos.
Philippi founded by settlers from Thasos and named Thasian Epeiros.
355 BCE
Philip II besieges Perinthos. It is believed this is the battle where Antigonos Monophthalmos loses an eye.
Samothrace is incorporated into Macedon by Philip II.
Memnon of Rhodes aids Byzantion in withholding a siege by Philip II.
Odessos surrenders to Alexander III.
Alexander the Great visits the temple to Protesilaos at Elaios.
Alexander the Great crosses from Sestos to Abydos. He then visits Troy and returns to Abydos. On his way, he sacrifices at the tomb of Achilles at Achilleion.
Seuthopolis is founded by Seuthes III.
Antigonos Monophthalmos destroys the fleet of Polyperchon near Byzantion.
Kleitos the White, commanding the fleet of Polyperchon, decisively defeats Nikanor near Byzantion, then lands ashore to celebrate and is attacked by Antigonos Monophthalmos. The remnants of his fleet are destroyed by Nikanor. Kleitor the White escapes ashore where he is killed by men of Lysimachos.
Lysimachos besieges and occupies Kallatis.
Seuthes III supports the revolt of Kallatis against Lysimachos but is defeated.
Odessos rebels against Lysimachos.
Lysimachos subdues Kallatis and reaches a peace with Seuthes III.
Lysimachos obtains control over parts of Thrace, including Abdera. He destroys Kardia to provide inhabitants for Lysimachia.
Kassander travels to Apollonia Pontika to enlarge his territories.
Lysimacheia constructed by Lysimachos.
Antigonos Monophthalmos gives Athens grain and timber and removes his garrison from Imbros, giving the island back to Athens.
Lysimachia severely damaged by an earthquake.
Lysimachos defeated at the Battle of Coropedion. Adramytteion, Ainos, and Abydos come under control of the Seleukid Empire. Ephesos returns to its original name.
Seuthopolis is sacked by Gauls.
Arsinoe II escapes from Ptolemy Keraunos and exiles herself to Samothrace.
Antigonos II defeats the Gauls at the Battle of Lysimacheia.
Antiochos III besieges Kypsela until the locals join his army.
Philip V persuades Kalchedon and Lysimachia to break from the Aetolian League.
Lysimachia is destroyed by Thracians.
Antiochos III rebuilds Lysimachia.
Sestos surrenders to Antiochos III.
Antiochos III refortifies Sestos in preparation for a Roman attack.
Antiochos III orders the inhabitants of Lysimachia to abandon their city.
Sestos surrenders to Gaius Livius Salinator.
Treaty of Apamea. Euromos, Laodikeia ad Lykon, Sestos, and Abydos returned to the Kingdom of Pergamon.
Ainos is declared a free city by the Romans.
Armies of Eumenes II and the Romans sack Abdera.
Philip of Macedon, after being defeated at the Battle of Pydna, stops briefly at Galepsos before heading to Samothrace.
Adramytteion, Smyrna, Sestos, Synnada, Philadelphia, Laodikeia ad Lykon, Attalaia, Erythrai, Ephesos, Perge, and Assos come under Roman control after Attalos III, the last Attalid king, leaves it to Rome in his will.
Odessos places itself under Mithridates VI.
Sulla uses Kypsela as a base while Mithridates uses Pergamon, and between these places they meet.
The sanctuary at Samothrace is pillaged by corsairs.
The Roman general Lucullus sacks Apollonia Pontika and takes Kallatis.
Brutus and Cassius march through Maroneia, Lysimachia, and Kardia to the Gulf of Melas.
Odessos is annexed to the province of Moesia.
Thrace is annexed by the Roman Empire, bringing Agathopolis, Aigiospotamoi, Kabyle, Deultum, and Perinthos under its rule.
Samothrace is absorbed into the Roman Empire by Vespasian.
The people of Deultum petition the powerful senator Titus Avidius Quietus to become a patron the city.
Hadrian visits Samothrace.
Deultum begins to suffer from barbarian attacks.
Byzantion sides with Pescennius Niger over Septimius Severus, Roman forces besiege the city and cause considerable damage.
A severe earthquake damages Samothrace.
Diocletian travels through Deultum on his way to Nicomedia.
Maximinus Daza takes Constantinople from Licinius.
The fleet of Constantine I takes moorage at Elaios against Licinius.
Constantine I refounds Byzantion as an imperial residence named Nova Roma.
May 11
The city of Nova Roma, formerly known as Byzantion, is renamed to Constantinople by Constantine the Great.
December 25
Constans elevated to Caesar at Constantinople by Constantine I
December 11
Julian II enters Constantinople as the sole Emperor.
A Roman army is defeated by the Goths at the Battle of Deultum.
Theodosius moves his court to Constantinople.
Theodosius leaves Constantinople to fight the Arbogastes and Eugenius and leaves Arcadius nominally in charge.
Aelia Eudoxia and John Chrysostom’s dispute reaches its peak. John Chrysostom is deposed and exiled by Arcadius, largely due to Eudoxia’s influence. She erects a silver statue of herself in the Forum of Constantinople, which John condemned in his sermons.
August 25
The author of this page visits Istanbul and sees some ruins from Byzantion, but does not photograph them because the shot isn’t great.