Apollo | Dolphin | Galley | Obelisk | Prow
Megara Ae Dichalkon
Prior to Achaean League 3rd to 2nd Century BCE
13mm, 2.1gms
Obv: Prow of Galley; MEG above
Rev: Obelisk of Apollo between two dolphin swimming upward
Ex Bargain Bin Ancients

Pausanias attributes the founding of Megara to Car, who was a king of Megara and built a castle called Caria, that had absolutely nothing to do with Caria.

Later on, Megara started colonies in Kalchedon and Byzantion. For most of the Peloponnesian War, Megara was on the side of Sparta and one of the causes of the war was the Megara Decree, which forbade merchants from Megara from trading in Athens.

Athena | Portrait | Shield | Spear
Megaris, Megara
Geta Caesar, 198-209 CE
Ae 6.07g 24mm
Obv: ΛOY CЄΠT ΓЄTA K. Bareheaded and draped bust right.
Rev: MЄΓAΡЄΩN. Athena standing right, wielding spear and holding shield.
BCD Peloponessos -; NCP p. 7, 9 and A, XI

One of the odder battles that occurred in Megara was an attack by Antigonos II Gonatas in 266 BCE. The matter seemed hopeless against his war elephants, but they managed to counter the huge animals with burning pigs. Supposedly the high pitched squealing caused tremendous discomfort to the elephants. The move was cute, but they lost the siege and had to capitulate to Antigonos.

This coin depicts Apollo on the obverse, which may be related to the Apollo oracles in Delphi and near Miletos that Megara headed.

685 BCE

Settlers from Megara found Kalchedon.

667 BCE

Byzantion is founded by Byzas of Megara.

600 BCE

Salamis becomes a possession of Athens after a war between Athens and Megara.

580 BCE

Rough year when Mesembria is colonized by settlers from Megara.

560 BCE

Herakleia Pontika founded by colonists from Megara and named after Herakles, who it was believed entered the underworld through a nearby cave.

519 BCE

Aegina’s navy captures Athenians involved in a conflict between Athens and Megara.

480 BCE
August 7

The Greek allies are forced to withdraw against the Persians in the Battle of Artemisium. Afterwards the Persians occup Histaia. The Greek fleet is supplied by Athens, Chalkis, Sparta, Troizen, Opuntian Lokris, Corinth, Megara, Epidauros, Aegina, Sikyon, and Kios.

479 BCE

The Greek alliance, consisting of Aegina, Athens, Corinth, Megara, Thespiai, Orchomenos, Epidauros, Troizen, Halieis, Elis, Hermione, and Sparta defeate the Persians and Thebes at the Battle of Plataea.

459 BCE

Megara and Corinth go to war. Athens supports Megara and obtains access to the Isthmus of Corinth.

446 BCE

Megara revolts against Athens and is supported by Sikyon.

435 BCE

The philosopher Euclid is born in Megara.

433 BCE

Athens imposes trade sanctions on citizens of Megara, which angers the Spartans and is one of the causes of the Peloponnesian War.

427 BCE

A democratic uprising occurs in Megara.

365 BCE

Death of Euclid, who had founded the Megarian school of philosophy, in Megara.

338 BCE

Alexander III and Philip II defeat Thebes at the Battle of Chaeronea. Argos and Stratos fight on the side of Philip, while Corinth, Megara, Epidauros, and Troizen participate with Thebes. Chares is one of the Athenian commanders, but escapes blame.

323 BCE

The Lamian War breaks out, pitting Athens, Thebes, Megara, Argos, and the Aetolian League against Antipater of Macedon.

266 BCE

Antigonos II blockades Athens and destroys a temple to Poseidon between it and Megara. Ptolemy II sends a fleet to break the blockade.

243 BCE

Megara expels is Macedonian garrison and joins the Achaian League.

223 BCE

Megara leaves the Achaian League and joins the Boeotian League.

48 BCE

Megara, besieged by the Romans under Quintus Fufius Calenus, attempt to unleash lions on the Romans. The lions instead attack unarmed Megarians.

125 CE

Hadrian rebuilds ancient shrines in Megara and Argos.