Rough time when Sardis is first occupied.
Approximate time when Sardis becomes the capital of Lydia.
Alexander III takes Sardis and restores Lydian customs and laws.
Tralleis surrenders to Alexander III without incident.
Antigonos Monophthalmos obtains control of Tralleis.
Kleopatra accepts an offer of marriage from Ptolemy I from her base in Sardis. Antigonos Monophthalmos, who fears the union, executes her.
Seleukos I Nikator besieges Sardis without success.
Antiochos I Soter is defeated while attempting to retake Pergamon by the Attalid Eumenes I in a battle near Sardis.
Death of Stratonike at Sardis.
Antiochos III besieges Sardis but fails to take its akropolis.
Antiochos III is defeated by Scipio Asiaticus at the Battle of Magnesia. Through treaty, Ephesos comes under the Attalids. Alabanda comes under Roman control.
Tralleis is punished by Rome for supporting the pretender Eumenes III by losing the privilege to mint coins.
Magnesia ad Sipylum is heavily damaged by an earthquake.