
600 BCE

Eresos, Kyme, Mytiliene, Methymna, Pitane, Eliaia, Larissa, Neonteichos, Aigai, Antandros, Temnos, Gryneion, and Smyrna become members of the Aeolian League, an association of Greek city-states in the region.

546 BCE

With the downfall of the Kingdom of Lydia, Adramytteion, Parion, Phokaia, and Aigai go under the Persian Empire.

479 BCE

The Athenian commander Xanthippos, acting for angry citizens of Elaia, nails the despot Artayctes to a board in Madytos and lets his opponents stone him.

399 BCE

Xenophon mentions that the ruler of Gambrion and Gryneion is Gorgion, son of Gorgylos.

387 BCE

Peace of Antalkidas, arranged by Artaxerxes II, is signed in Susa, ending the Corinthian War. Abydos, Aigai, Kalchedon, Kaunos, Klazomenai, Kyzikos, Parion, Samos, and Adramytteion become part of the Persian Empire.

334 BCE

Parmenion, a general of Alexander the Great, takes Gryneion, burns it, and sells the inhabitants as slaves.

218 BCE

Aigai recaptured by Attalos I of Pergamon.

196 BCE

Philip V is forced to remove his garrisons from Iasos, Euromos, Pedasa, Bargylia, Abydos, Thasos, Myrina, and Perinthos.

129 BCE

The Kingdom of Pergamon is fully incorporated into the Roman Empire, bringing Aigai, Pergamon, Ephesos, Smyrna, Thyateira, Sardis, Magnesia, Kyzikos, Miletos, and Kolophon under its domain.

17 CE

Adramytteion, Aigai, Philadelphia, Apollonis, Smyrna, Sardis and Magnesia are severely damaged by an earthquake. Tiberius provides financial support.