Artemis | Branch | Earring | Galley | Leaf | Necklace | Prow | Quiver
Thessaly, Iolkos
mid 4th century BCE
Ae Chalkous 2.18g 12mm
Obv: Head of Artemis Iolkia right, with quiver over shoulder, wearing earring and necklace.
Rev: IOΛΚIΩN. Prow of the galley Argo left, with a branch with leaf attached to the stempost.
Liampi, Iolkos 2; BCD Thessaly II 95

Iolkos was the mythological home of Aeson, the father of Jason, who led the famed Argonauts. Unfortunately for Aeson, the throne was usurped by Pelias, who eventually sent Jason on his quest. When Jason returned with Medea, it was at Iolkos they settled, and of course things did NOT go well. If you want to know what happened, Euripides wrote a play on it.

Although the city was famous in mythology and mentioned in Homer, it played little part in written history. In 294 BCE, the inhabitants were moved by Demetrios Poliorketes to his new city, Demetrias.

511 BCE

Iolkos given by the Thessalians to Hippias, recently expulsed from Athens, but he rejects it.

294 BCE

Demetrias founded by Demetrios I Poliorketes, who moved the inhabitants of Neleia, Pagasai, Ormenion, Rhizos, Sepias, Olizon, Boebe, and Iolkos to create it.