Altar | Cornucopiae | Follis | Genius | Patera | Portrait
Licinius I
Cyzicus 308-324 CE
Æ Follis 21mm, 4,69g
IMP C LIC LICINNIVS P F AVG, laureate head of Licinius I right /
GENIO IMP-ERATORIS, Genius standing facing, head left, holding patera over altar at feet to left and cornucopiae; *-I//ANT.
RIC 133b
265 CE

Approximate birth year of Licinius in Moesa Superior.

298 CE

Galerius is reinforced and leads another campaign against northern Mesopatamia. He is joined by his close friend Licinius.

307 CE

Licinius is sent by Galerius to negotiate with Maxentius.

308 CE
November 11

Galerius calls a council to discuss the disruptive western provinces. Diocletian and Maximian attend. Maximian is forced to abdicate and Constantine the Great is demoted to Caesar under the new Augustus Licinius.

310 CE

Licinius inflicts a defeat on the Sarmatians.

310 CE

Maxentius loses Istria to Licinius.

311 CE

Licinius reaches an agreement with Maximinus Daza to share the eastern provinces between them.

311 CE
May 2

Care of Galeria Valeria and her mother are entrusted to Licinius. However, they flee to Maximinus Daia.

311 CE

Constantine the Great forges an alliance with Licinius, giving him his sister Constantia in marriage.

312 CE

The tetrarchy is replaced by two Emperors – Constantine I in the west and Licinius in the east.

313 CE

Constantine the Great and Licinius meet in Milan to cement their marriage alliance. The two emperors sign the Edict of Milan, promising religious tolerance.

313 CE

Licinius marries Flavia Julia Constantia, half sister of Constantine I.

313 CE

Maximinus Daza takes Constantinople from Licinius.

313 CE

Maximinus Daza takes Herakleia from Licinius after a short siege.

313 CE
April 30

Licinius defeats Maximinus Daia at the Battle of Tzirallum.

313 CE

Licinius orders for the death of Galeria Valeria and her mother.

313 CE

Death of Maximinus Daza. Licinius then kills his wife and children.

314 CE
October 8

Constantine I defeats Licinius at the Battle of Cibalae.

315 CE

Galeria Valeria is betrayed by residents of Thessalonika. Soldiers of Licinius behead her and her mother in a public square and throw their bodies in the sea.

315 CE

Constantine I and Licinius share a consulship.

315 CE

Birth of Licinius II to Constantia and Licinius.

316 CE

Constantine the Great defeats Licinius at the Battle of Cibalae.

316 CE

Valens is raised by Licinius as co-emperor.

317 CE

Constantine the Great and Licinius fight at the Battle of Mardia, where both sides take heavy losses. They agree to promote Crispus, Constantine II, and Licinius II to Caesars.

316 CE

Licinius is humiliated in the Battle of Mardia by Constantine I.

317 CE

Bowing to pressure by Constantine I, Licinius has his co-emperor Valens killed.

318 CE

Licinius campaigns against the Sarmatians.

319 CE

Licinius II is made consul by Licinius.

320 CE

Licinius goes against the Edict of Milan and begins removing Christians from office.

321 CE

Licinius accuses Constantine I of breaking their treaty when he pursues Sarmatians and then Goths into his territory.

323 CE

The fleet of Constantine I takes moorage at Elaios against Licinius.

323 CE

Constantine I defeats Licinius in a naval encounter.

324 CE

Crispus, the son of Constantine the Great, achieves a huge naval victory over Licinius at the Battle of the Hellespont.

324 CE
July 3

Licinius is soundly defeated by Constantine the Great at the Battle of Adrianople.

324 CE
September 18

Constantine the Great defeats Licinius at the Battle of Chrysopolis. Licinius surrenders and are sent to live as private citizens.

325 CE

Licinius is accused of a plot to kill Constantine the Great, is caught at Thessalonika, and is executed.