Cuirassed | Diademed | Globe | Portrait | Prow | Spear
Theodosius I
Antioch, 379-383 CE
Æ 17,8mm, 2.46g
Pearl diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r.
R/ Constantinopolis, helmeted, seated facing, head r.; on throne, holding partly seen spear and globe; right leg bare; r. foot on prow; Θ/Φ-K//ANTΔ.
RIC IX 47c
347 CE
January 11

Theodosius I is born.

368 CE

Theodosius accompanies his father on a trip to Britain.

373 CE

Magnus Maximus serves under Theodosius in Africa.

374 CE

Theodosius is appointed a commanding officer in Moesia Prima.

374 CE

Theodosius repels an invasion by Sarmatians.

375 CE

The father of Theodosius falls into disfavor and is executed.

376 CE

Aelia Flacilla marries Theodosius I, then a high ranking general.

377 CE

Birth of son Arcadius to Aelia Flacilla and Theodosius I.

377 CE

Theodosius receives a military command again under Gratian.

379 CE
January 19

Theodosius succeeds Valens as emperor. Aelia Flacilla becomes empress.

379 CE
January 19

Gratian appoints Theodosius I to govern in the east.

380 CE

Theodosius recovers from a life-threatening sickness and summarily requests baptism.

380 CE

Theodosius is defeated by Gothic raiders from across the Danube.

380 CE

Meeting of Gratian and Theodosius I. The diocese of Dacia is given to Gratian, while that of Macedonia goes to Theodosius.

380 CE

Theodosius moves his court to Constantinople.

381 CE

The Gothic leader Athanaric submits to Theodosius.

382 CE
October 3

Theodosius and the Goths reach a treaty where the Goths are allowed to settle on Roman lands in exchange for military service.

383 CE
January 19

Theodosius declares his son Arcadius an Augustus over the western half of the Empire, without the approval of Gratian.

384 CE

Magnus Maximus is recognized as the augustus in the West by Valentinian II and Theodosius I.

384 CE

Theodosius meets Valentinian II in northern Italy.

384 CE
September 9

Birth of son Honorius to Aelia Flacilla and Theodosius.

386 CE

Aelia Flacilla, the wife of Theodosius, dies.

386 CE

Honorius is elevated to consul by Theodosius I.

386 CE

Death of Pulcheria, daughter of Theodosius.

387 CE

Theodosius I and Persia agree to split Armenia between them in the Peace of Acilisene.

387 CE

Valentinian II escapes from Magnus Maximus to Theodosius I in the east.

387 CE

Theodosius I marries Galla, the sister of Valentinian II.

387 CE

An uprising occurs in Antioch against Theodosius.

388 CE

Birth of son Gratian to Galla and Theodosius I.

388 CE

Theodosius defeats Magnus Maximus at the Battle of Poetovio.

388 CE
August 28

Magnus Maximus executed by Theodosius.

388 CE
August 28

Magnus Maximus surrenders to Theodosius I in Aquileia and is executed.

389 CE
June 13

Theodosius celebrates his victory in Rome.

390 CE

The Massacre of Thessalonika occurs when Roman soldiers massacre civilians. It is believed to have been ordered by Theodosius.

391 CE

Theophilus, the Patriarch of Alexandria, orders the destruction of pagan temples in Alexandria, including the Serapeum, as part of the rising Christian influence and suppression of paganism following Emperor Theodosius I’s edicts against pagan worship.

391 CE

Theodosius leaves his general Arbogast as head of the military for Valentinian II.

392 CE
August 22

Arbogast proclaims Eugenius Emperor, but this is opposed by Theodosius.

393 CE
January 23

Theodosius raises his son Honorius to co-emperor.

394 CE

Theodosius leaves Constantinople to fight the Arbogastes and Eugenius and leaves Arcadius nominally in charge.

394 CE

Death of Galla, wife of Theodosius.

394 CE
September 5

Theodosius and Eugenius meet on the battlefield. The result in indecisive with heavy casualties on both sides.

394 CE
September 6

Theodosius defeats Eugenius at the Battle of the Frigidus thanks to a strong wind called the Bura that blows on Eugenius’ troops.

395 CE
January 17

Theodosius dies, leaving Arcadius as the Emperor of the Eastern Empire and Honorius as the Western Emperor.