Clasped Hands | Denarius | Portrait
Plautilla, Augusta
Rome 202 CE
AR Denarius 18mm, 2,24g
PLAVTILLA AVGVSTA Draped bust of Plautilla to right.
Rev. CONCORDIA FELIX Plautilla, on the left, and Caracalla, togate and on the right, standing facing each other and clasping their right hands.
BMC 418. Cohen 12. RIC 365a
202 CE

Caracalla forced to marry Fulvia Plautilla, whom he hated.

204 CE

Birth of daughter, name unknown, to Plautilla and Caracalla.

205 CE

Caracalla banishes his wife, Plautilla.

211 CE

Plautilla is strangled to death, possibly on orders from Caracalla.