Achaia. Pellene
350-300 BCE
16.48mm 2.25g
Obverse: Laureate head of Apollo right
Reverse: Monogram above ram’s head within wreath
BCD Peloponnesos 595.1
Ex Marc Breitsprecher
According to the ancient inhabitants, Pellene was founded by the giant Pallas, who was formed from the blood of Uranus and participated in the battle against the Olympian gods, where he was flayed by Athena. She then used his skin as a shield.
The neighboring people attributed Pellene’s founding to a guy named Pellene, who was the son Phorbas, an early king of Argos. Regardless, the city was ancient and was mentioned by Homer.
During the Peloponnesian War, Pellene was on the side of Sparta. When Greece came under the dominion of Alexander the Great, he installed a tyrant named Chaeron. There’s a fair chance this coin was minted under his rule. Chaeron won in wrestling four times at the Olympics between 356 BCE and 344 BCE, so he wasn’t one to be trifled with.
Chaeron was a pupil of Plato and in one of his acts banished the most respected men of the city and gave all of their property and their wives to their slaves. During his lifetime and perhaps after his death, the citizens of Pellene refused to even mention his name, so he was a form of ancient Voldemort.
Sparta and their allies, including Sikyon and Tegea, defeat Athens and their allies at the Battle of Nemea. On Athens side are Thebes, Lokris Opuntii, and Corinth. With Sparta are Halieis, Sikyon, Epidauros, Troizen, and Hermione. Phlious remains neutral. Pellene fights on the side of Sparta against Thespiai.
The Arcadians take Pellene and slaughter all of the Spartans residing there.
The Aetolian League invades the Peloponnese and takes Pellene.
Kleomenes of Sparta takes Pellene and Pheneos.
Sparta returns Pellene to Achaia after an intervention by Macedon.