Thessaly, Peirasia
4th century BCE
AR Trihemiobol 12mm 1.12g
Av: Helmeted head of Athena facing slightly left.
Rv: Warrior on horse rearing right, brandishing spear. ΠEI-P-A-Σ-I counterclockwise around (partially retrograde)]
cf. BCD Thessaly II 503 (ethnic); HGC 4, 704
Peirasia was often associated in mythology with Asterios, one of the Argonauts and the son of Cometes and Antigona, who was a daughter of King Pheres of Pherai.
The location of Peirasia was only identified in 2012, showing that much still needs to be explored. Unfortunately, modern buildings cover most of the site so we still know very little about it.
This coin depicts Athena Itonia, who was commonly worshipped in Thessaly.