Grain | Ram
Thessaly, Methylion
4th century BCE
Æ Chalkous 12.5mm, 2.13g
Grain, its stem at the top.
R/ Ram standing r.
BCD Thessaly II 473; HGC 4, 695

Methylion is yet another city that we barely would have known were it not for coins. The only other ancient mention I could find of the city was a Delphic inscription of a theorodokos. These were ‘hosts’ whose goal was to assist envoys to certain games and festivals. Typically, the theorodokos was selected by the city and hosted the envoy at his own expense.

We can assume that Methylion was mostly an agrarian town since its coins depict a grain and the opposite a ram. They did mint a number of different coins, though, and some issues with a horse and rider suggest the city was rich enough to send cavalry for various engagements.