Obol | Pan | Syrinx
Arkadia. Arcadian League. Megalopolis
AR Obol 320-275 BCE
12.24mm .87 grams
Obverse: Head of Pan left
Reverse: Monogram of the Arcadian League, I in left field, syrinx below
BCD Peloponnesos (Megalopolis) 1517
Ex Strasbourg (4 December 1985)
Ex Marc Breitsprecher

The plan had seemed so simple to Polyperchon. He had nearly every city in Greece quaking at his feet. Kassander was still around, but it was only a matter of time. There was just one hold out – some city called Megalopolis in the Peloponnese. All he had to do was shut them up, and it was game over.

In order to ensure the job got done, Polyperchon brought more than enough soldiers, along with his shiny war elephants to stomp them into submission. He put them under siege.

However, it turned out there were several flaws with this plan. First, unbeknownst to Polyperchon but beknownst to the Megalopolians (is that even a word?), one amongst them had fought with Alexander and knew how to defeat the elephants. Interestingly, Alexander himself owned war elephants but preferred not to use them. He viewed them as inefficient war animals, since they spooked easily and often wound up killing as many friends as foes.

After his death, though, many of his former generals didn’t share that view. Pyrrhos used them to devastating effect on the Romans, though after two defeats they figured them out.

Now, I like elephants, so I won’t go into details on how Megalopolis stopped them. It wasn’t very nice, but it was effective. Luckily for Polyperchon, though, he had a large army…except the elephants wound up trampling a good number of them.

This brings up the second flaw in the plan: Polyperchon was a horrible military commander. Even with all his advantages, the siege was an utter failure. His forces were exhausted and humbled, and the rest of Greece, seeing how he had failed to accomplish what should have been a routine siege, switched over to Kassander.

After several poor moves in the siege of Megalopolis, Polyperchon moved from sudden victory to eminent defeat.

371 BCE

Megalopolis is founded by the Arkadian League as a counterweight to Sparta.

368 BCE

The Theban general Epaminondas intervenes in Arcadia to support the Arcadian League and the newly founded city of Megalopolis. Heraia is pressured to join the Arcadian League but maintains a pro-Spartan stance.

362 BCE

Dissolution of the Arkadian League, which had previously founded Megalopolis.

353 BCE

Sparta attempts to destroy Megalopolis, but the city is rescued by Thebes.

331 BCE

King Agis III of Sparta revolts from Macedonia and besieges Megalopolis, forcing Antipater to act.

330 BCE

Antipater defeats the Spartans under Agis III at Megalopolis. The Macedonians take many casualties, but Agis is killed.

319 BCE

Polyperchon issues a decree to restore democratic governments in all cities to reduce the allure of Kassander. Those exiled due to this may return, with the exception of Amphissa, Pharkadon, Herakleia Pontika, Trikka, and Megalopolis.

317 BCE

Polyperchon fails to take Megalopolis in a siege, which emboldens other cities against him.

270 BCE

Aristodamos the Good is installed as Tyrant of Megalopolis by Antigonos II Gonatas.

262 BCE

The Spartans under Akrotatos invade Megalopolis, but are defeated by Aristodamos the Good. Akrotatos is killed.

252 BCE

Aristodamos the Good, the tyrant of Megalopolis, is assassinated and the city returns to a democracy.

245 BCE

Lydiades becomes tyrant of Megalopolis.

234 BCE

Lydiades steps down as tyrant of Megalopolis and joins the city to the Achaian League.

226 BCE

The Spartans under King Kleomenes III defeat the Achaian League under Aratos of Sikyon (and including Argos and Megalopolis) in the Battle of Dyme.

220 BCE

The Social War begins, pitting members of the Achaian League, including Aegira, Patrai, Dyme, Bura, Sikyon, Corinth, Megalopolis, Messenia, Argos, Elis, and Macedon, against Sparta under King Kleomenes III, who were supported by the Aetolian League and Athens.

146 BCE

The Achaian League is defeated by Rome at the Battle of Skarpheia. Corinth is destroyed and Dyme, Patrai, Sikyon, Bura, Megalopolis, Thebes, Pellene, and Aegira come under the control of Rome.