Athena | Pegasos | Shield | Stater
Akarnania, Koronta
300-250 BCE
AR stater 20.49mm 8.23g
D/ Pégase en vol à g
R/ T. casquée d’Athéna à g. Derrière, K et bouclier macédonien orné d’un foudre
Pegasi 1; BMC 1

Koronta was a member of the Akarnanian Confederecy and, like a number of the Akarnanian cities, was originally a colony of Corinth. In 429 BCE, the Athenians went through the city, restored its leader, and expelled anyone who supported the Peloponnesians.

The site has been located and some of the walls and ruins remain.

The coinage of Koronta is very rare.

429 BCE

Athenians restore Kynes, son of Thelytos, to the throne in Koronta.