Gratian BI 22mm
Antioch, 379 CE
4.51g, 22mm, 10h
D N GRATIANVS P F AVG, helmeted and pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right, holding spear and shield
GLORIA ROMANORVM, emperor standing facing, head to right on ship, raising right hand; Victory seated right at helm; wreath in upper left field, cross in upper right field, ANTB in exergue.
RIC IX 40a
April 18
Gratian is born in Sirmium to Valentinian I and Marina Severa.
February 26
Death of the Emperor Jovian, possibly from suffocating by poisonous paint fumes. Valentinian, the father of Gratian, is proclaimed Augustus.
Gratian appointed consul by his father, Valentinian.
August 24
Valentinian raises his son Gratian to co-augustus.
Valentinian and his son Gratian cross the Moenus River and scorch the territories of the Alamanni.
Gratian awarded several victory titles for the successes over the Alamanni.
Gratian marries Constantia, daughter of Constantius II.
November 17
Valentinian dies of a stroke in Hungary, leaving Gratian as the sole western Emperor. Valens becomes the senior emperor.
November 22
Valentinian II, the half brother of Gratian, is proclaimed as Augustus. Gratian accepts the co-emperor.
Theodosius receives a military command again under Gratian.
Gratian releases an edict of religious tolerance and restores bishops exiled by Valens.
August 9
Valens is killed at the Battle of Adrianople by Gothic rebels. Gratian had earlier sent a letter begging his uncle Valens to wait for his arrival, but it was ignored.
January 19
Gratian appoints Theodosius I to govern in the east.
August 3
Gratian issues edict against heresy.
Meeting of Gratian and Theodosius I. The diocese of Dacia is given to Gratian, while that of Macedonia goes to Theodosius.
Due to pressure from the Alamanni, Gratian moves his seat from Trier to Milan.
Gratian removes the winged Victory from the Senate floor and the privileges of the Vestal Virgins.
Constantia dies. Gratian marries Laeta.
Magnus Maximus, who had declared himself Augustus, crosses over to Gaul from Britain and meets the forces of Gratian, whose army defects to Magnus Maximus. Gratian flees.
January 19
Theodosius declares his son Arcadius an Augustus over the western half of the Empire, without the approval of Gratian.
August 25
Gratian is pursued by a lieutenant of Magnus Maximus and killed at Lugdunum. Valentinian II is the only legitimate augustus in the west.