Geta, as Caesar
Rome 197-209 CE
AR Denarius 20mm, 3,35g
Young, bareheaded, draped, and cuirasse bust right /
PR INC IVVENT, Geta, in military dress, standing left, holding branch and spear.
Cf. RIC IV 16b; cf. RSC 157
189 CE
March 7
March 7
Birth of Geta to Julia Domna and Septimius Severus.
198 CE
January 28
January 28
Septimius Severus proclaims Caracalla and his brother Geta as co-emperors.
205 CE
Caracalla serves as Roman consul for the second time, this time with his brother Geta.
208 CE
Caracalla serves as consul for the third time with Geta, his second.
211 CE
February 4
February 4
Septimius Severus dies at Eboracum while on campaign in the north of Britain. Caracalla and Geta become co-emperors with Julia Domna mediating between them.
211 CE
December 17
December 17
Caracalla unsuccessfully attempts to murder Geta at Saturnalia festivities.
211 CE
December 26
December 26
Julia Domna arranges a conciliation meeting between her sons and co-emperors Caracalla and Geta. There, Geta is assassinated by the Praetorian Guard.