100 CE
Approximate birth of Faustina I.
110 CE
Faustina marries Antoninus Pius.
130 CE
Birth of Faustina the Younger to Faustina and Antoninus Pius.
138 CE
July 10
July 10
Hadrian dies and Antoninus Pius becomes emperor at the age of 51. He persuades the Senate to deify Hadrian, earning him the title Pius for his devotion. Faustina becomes Empress.
140 CE
Antoninus Pius serves as Consul for the second time and oversees the construction of the Temple of Antoninus and Faustina in the Roman Forum, dedicated to his late wife, Faustina the Elder.
140 CE
Death of Faustina, making Antoninus Pius extremely distraught.
144 CE
Antoninus Pius constructs and dedicates a temple to Faustina.