Boar | Forepart | Hemiobol | Lepsynos
Caria, Euromos
circa 400-350 BCE
Hemiobol AR 7 mm, 0,50 g
Forepart of a boar moving to right /
Bearded head of Lepsynos right; Λ to left.
SNG Kayhan I 754; Klein 513-4.

Euromos was founded in the 6th century BCE and was at various times connected to nearby Mylasa. Today, the ruins of the city are known for their outstanding Temple of Zeus Lepsinos, which is one of the best perserved ancient temples in Turkey – though what remains is from Roman times and not Greek. The site continues to be excavated.

The city takes its name from Euromos, who built the city and was a son of Idris, who in an interesting bit of trivia was neither god nor demi-god but an ordinary Carian.

I have unfortunately not discovered the story of Lepsynos and how he was related to Zeus, but Lepsynos is depicted on this coin along with a board that looks similar to the issues of Kyzikos.

412 BCE

Euromos and Phokaia are among the Carian cities that revolt against Athens during the Peloponnesian War.

401 BCE

Euromos participates in the rebellion of the Persian satrap Cyrus the Younger against his brother, King Artaxerxes II.

196 BCE

Philip V is forced to remove his garrisons from Iasos, Euromos, Pedasa, Bargylia, Abydos, Thasos, Myrina, and Perinthos.

188 BCE

Treaty of Apamea. Euromos, Laodikeia ad Lykon, Sestos, and Abydos returned to the Kingdom of Pergamon.

167 BCE

Mylasa with the help of Alabanda takes Euromos from Rhodes and advances towards Orthosia, but are defeated.

40 CE

Construction of the Temple of Zeus Lepsinos begins in Euromos.

96 CE

The Temple of Zeus Lepsinos in Euromos is completed during the reign of Emperor Domitian.