Epeiros, The Athamanes
ca. 168- 146 BCE
Ae 14.5mm, 2.6gms
Ox: Veiled head of Dione right, wearing stephane
Rx: AQA-MANWN; Athena standing left, holding owl in extended right hand, spear in left
HGC 3.1,186
The Athamanians were a tribe who played a part by switching sides often during the conflicts between the major powers. In 395 BCE, they moved from supporting Sparta to being allies with the Athenians. That continued until 355 BCE, when they joined the Macedonians in the Sacred War against the Phokians. However, when Alexander took power, they foolishly joined Athens against Macedon.
This coin was minted much later, most likely during the reign of King Selipos, who was the last king of the Athamanians and who resisted the Romans for some time. This led to many of their cities being destroyed in 168 BCE.
The Athamanians leave Sparta and join an Athenian alliance.
The Athamanians join Philip II in the Third Sacred War against Phokis.
The Athamanians are conquered by Pyrrhos of Epeiros.
Troops the Athamanes and the Aetolian League camp near Pharkadon, but are attacked by troops of Philip V and pushed away.
Amynander, King of the Athamanes, in cooperation with the Romans, takes Gomphoi.
The Athamanians are freed from the Macedonians by King Amynander.
The last king of that Athamanians, King Selipos, resists the Romans.
The Romans under Aemilius Paulus destroy the cities of the Athamanians and Kassope.