AR Denarius 3.30g, 18mm, 6h.
Rome, 90 CE
IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM P M TR P VIIII, laureate head to right
IMP XXI COS XV CENS P P P, Minerva standing facing, head to right on rostral column, brandishing spear and shield, owl at her feet
RIC II.2 690; BMCRE 166; RSC 262
Ex Vitangelo Collection

Domitian, Quadrans/Rhinoceros
16.92mm, 1.75g 84-85 CE
Obverse: Rhinoceros walking left
Reverse: IMP DOMIT AVG GERM around S C
RIC II 435; RIC II² 250 Rome

Anonymous Ae Quadrans
Struck ca. 81 – 161 CE : Time of Domitian to Antoninus Pius
AE 17.7mm, 3.0g
Obv: Helmeted and draped bust of Minerva right
Rev: Owl standing right with head facing; S – C to either side
October 24
Domitian born to Flavia Domitilla Major and Vespasian.
Domitian narrowly escapes during the civil war after Vitellius‘ troops invade Rome.
December 21
Domitian is declared Caesar by his father Vespasian.
Domitian marries Domitia Longina, the daughter of a respected general and politician.
Domitian serves as consul under Vespasian.
June 24
A son of unknown name is born to Domitian and Domitia.
The Arch of Titus is built by Domitian to honor his older brother.
September 13
Titus dies unexpectedly of an illness. Domitian becomes emperor.
September 14
The Senate confirms powers for Domitian, including Emperor.
Domitian finishes restoration of theTemple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus.
Domitian founds a new legion, the Legio I Minervia.
Domitian executes three Vestal Virgins. This was the first such punishment in 170 years.
Death of the only son of Domitian and Domitia, which leads to a rift in their marriage. Domitia is exiled.
Domitian travels to Gaul and orders an attack on the Chatti.
Domitian returns to Rome and celebrates a triumph.
Domitia is allowed to return to the palace by Domitian.
The Dacians under King Decebalus cross the Danube and kill the governor of Moesia. Domitian is forced to act.
The Roman general Agricola, acting under Domitian, defeats the Caledonians at the Battle of Mons Graupius. However, most of the enemy escapes and prevent him from taking over all of Britain.
Agricola is recalled from Britain to Rome by Domitian, thus effectively ending the British expansion.
Domitian nominates himself as perpetual censor in order to maintain Roman morals.
Domitian begins construction of what would be called the Forum of Nerva.
Stadium of Domitian is dedicated in Rome.
Domitian founds the Capitoline Games.
Domitian returns to Moesia and divides it into two provinces.
Domitian orders a significant troop withdrawal from Britain to fight in Dacia.
Romans in the service of Domitian invade Dacia.
Romans under Tettius Julianus defeat the Dacians under Decebalus. Domitian agrees to a peace treaty with Decebalus that is considered shameful to Rome.
Trajan directs the quelling of a coup by Antonius Saturninus against Domitian.
January 1
Lucius Antonius Saturninus, the governor of Germania Superior, revolts against Domitian.
January 25
The mutiny of Lucius Antonius Saturninus is crushed by officers loyal to Domitian.
Domitian shares the consulship with Nerva.
Domitian executes the head of the Vestal Virgins, virgo maxima Cornelia.
Domitian expels all philosophers from Rome.
Emperor Domitian strengthens Corinth’s defenses and invests in infrastructure, enhancing the city’s prosperity and its standing within the Roman Empire.
The Temple of Zeus Lepsinos in Euromos is completed during the reign of Emperor Domitian.
September 18
Domitian is assassinated by a steward named Stephanus.