Denarius | Minerva | Owl | Portrait | Shield | Spear
Rome 180-192 CE
AR Denarius 17mm, 2,87g
Obv : M COMMODVS ANTON AVG PIVS. Laureate head right.
Rev : P M TR P VIIII IMP VI COS IIII P P. Minerva advancing right, preparing to hurl spear and holding shield; to right, owl right.
RIC 72
161 CE
August 31

Commodus born as Lucius Aelius Aurelius Commodus to Marcus Aurelius and Faustina the Younger in Lanuvium.

162 CE

Galen arrives in Rome. He soon serves as primary doctor to Marcus Aurelius, and then for most of the life of Commodus.

165 CE

The elder twin brother of Commodus, Titus Aurelius Fulvus Antoninus, dies.

166 CE
October 12

Commodus made Caesar along with his younger brother, Marcus Annius Verus.

169 CE

Marcus Annius Verus, the younger brother of Commodus, dies during an operation.

172 CE
October 15

Commodus given the title Germanicus at Carnuntum, during the Marcomannic Wars headed by Marcus Aurelius.

175 CE

On hearing that Marcus Aurelius is ill, Avidius Cassius declares himself emperor in Syria. He is defeated and killed. Clodius Albinus serves with distinction in the campaign. Rumors abound that she is encouraged by Faustina the Younger, who sought his protection because he son Commodus is still young.

175 CE
January 20

Commodus enters the College of Pontiffs.

175 CE
July 7

Commodus assumes his toga virilis, a sign of adult male citizenship, on the Danubian front.

176 CE

Marcus Aurelius and Commodus are initiated into the Eleusinian Mysteries.

176 CE

Marcus Aurelius and Commodus return to Rome from their campaign against Cassius.

176 CE
December 23

Marcus Aurelius and Commodus celebrate a joint triumph.

177 CE
January 1

Commodus becomes consul for the first time.

177 CE

Commodus assumes tribunician power.

178 CE

Commodus marries Bruttia Crispina.

178 CE

Marcus Aurelius and Commodus head to the Danubian front again.

180 CE-
192 CE

The Emperor Commodus choose to hold the Olympic Games in Antioch.

180 CE

Commodus devalues the Roman currency, lowering the Denarius from 3.85 grams to 3.35 grams.

180 CE
March 17

Death of Marcus Aurelius. Commodus becomes Emperor.

180 CE
October 22

Commodus holds a triumph for himself after a Danubian campaign.

182 CE

Lucilla and two men (reputed to be her lovers) attempt to kill her brother Commodus. The men are executed and Lucilla is exiled to Capri.

182 CE

Lucilla is executed on Capri by a centurion sent by Commodus.

186 CE

Commodus devalues the Roman currency further.

188 CE

Crispina charged with adultery by Commodus and banished to Capri.

190 CE

During a food shortage, the people of Rome demand the head of Cleander, the chamberlain of Commodus, who gave in and executed Cleander and his children.

191 CE

Rome under Commodus is severely damaged by a fire.

191 CE

Crispina is executed by Commodus.

191 CE

Commodus appoints Septimius Severus governor of Pannonia Superior.

192 CE

Commodus declares himself a new Romulus and re-founds Rome.

192 CE

Commodus holds the Plebeian Games, where he shoots many animals and fights as a gladiator, of course winning every fight.

192 CE
December 31

The mistress of Commodus, Marcia, discovers she is to be executed. She poisons him, but he vomits up the food. The wrestler Narcissus strangles Commodus in his bath.