
6300 BCE

Earliest occupation of Zephyrion.

4500 BCE

Fortifications are constructed at Zephyrion.

695 BCE

Colonists from Achaia and Rhodes settle Soloi.

550 BCE

Approximate foundation of Nagidos by settlers from Samos.

460 BCE

Kelenderis becomes the eastern-most member of the Delian League, headed by Athens.

450 BCE

Peace of Kallias, an agreement between Athens and Persia after a series of conflicts between them. In Cyprus, Amathos, Kelenderis, and Salamis remain under Persian control but maintains its local autonomy. Ephesos, Miletos, Priene, Klazomenai, and Phokaia also obtain some autonomy.

401 BCE

Syennesis receives gifts from Cyrus the Younger after his troops sack his capital of Tarsos.

333 BCE

Alexander the Great conquers Cilicia and Pisidia, including Aigai.Tarsos (where he became ill after a swim in the Kydnos River), Soloi, Sagalassos, and Issos.

333 BCE

Alexander the Great arrives at Mallos, builds a bridge over the Pyramos, sacrifices to Amphilochos, and exempts it from paying taxes.

332 BCE

Mallos gives ships to aid Alexander III in the Siege of Tyre.

325 BCE

Balakros is kiled while dealing with an insurrection by the Isaurians and Larandians.

322 BCE

Perdikkas besieges Isaura Palaia. Its inhabitants set it on fire and burn their wives and children alive rather than submit them to slavery.

301 BCE

Following the victory in the Battle of Ipsos, Cilicia comes under Seleukid control with Seleukos I Nikator. This included Aigai.Tarsos, Soloi, Issos, and Mallos.

296 BCE

Approximate foundation of Seleukeia ad Kalykadnon. The inhabitants of Holmoi migrate there.

260 BCE

The city of Arsinoe in Cilicia is founded by Ptolemy II Philadelphos on land taken from Nagidos.

241 BCE

The Ptolemaic Kingdom takes vast territories as a result of the Third Syrian War against the Seleukids. Tyre, Byblos, Sidon, Mallos, Soloi, Tarsos, and Aigai come under Ptolemaic control.

197 BCE

Nagidos and the rest of Cilicia come under Seleukid control.

175 BCE
155 BCE

Approximate date when Nagidos is abandoned, possibly due to pirate activity.

102 BCE

Aigai, Tarsos, Mallos, and Soloi in Cilicia is affected by Roman efforts to reduce the level of piracy in the region.

83 BCE
75 BCE

Isaura Palaia is destroyed for a final time by the Roman Servilius Isauricus. A new city was eventually built elsewhere and called Isaura Nea.

67 BCE

Pompey the Great is assigned with reducing piracy in Cilicia and successfully does so, liberating Aigai, Soloi, Mallos, Side, and Tarsos from their yoke. Many of the pirates are resettled in Dyme.

64 BCE

Seleukeia on the Issos (Rhosos) is annexed by Rome.

47 BCE

Julius Caesar visits Aigai during his campaign in the east. He also visits Antioch and declares its freedom.

47 BCE

Cassius Longinus schemes to kill Julius Caesar at Tarsos.

41 BCE

Kleopatra and Marc Antony meet and have lavish feasts at Tarsos.

31 BCE

After the Battle of Actium (near Ambrakia), Augustus consolidates his control over the Roman Empire, and Cilicia is firmly incorporated as part of the Roman sphere of influence. Aigai, Tarsos, Mallos, and Soloi become part of the Roman Province of Cilicia.

20 BCE

Elaiussa is founded by King Archelaos of Cappadocia. Archelaus names it “Sebaste” (the Greek form of “Augustus”) in honor of the Roman Emperor Augustus.

17 CE

King Archelaos dies, and his kingdom, including Elaiussa Sebaste, is annexed by the Roman Empire under Emperor Tiberius. This ends the Cappadocian kingdom.

77 CE

A stone bridge is built by L. Octavius Memor at Seleukeia ad Kalykadnon.

130 CE

The harbor of Soloi is renovated by Antoninus Pius.

197 CE

Septimius Severus sails to Aigai in preparation for a Parthian campaign.

276 CE

Kremna is taken by the robber Lydius from Isaura.

276 CE

Florian is surrounded by Probus in Tarsos. His soldiers rise up and kill him.

300 CE

Isaura becomes an independent state with Seleukeia ad Kalykadnon as its capital.

313 CE

Maximinus Daza dies in Tarsos, possibly due to Graves’ disease.

353 CE

Constantius Gallus raises a siege of Seleukia ad Kalykadnon by troops loyal to Shapur.

525 CE

Soloi is destroyed by an earthquake and abandoned.