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Ajax’s most notable role in the Iliad is as a towering figure on the battlefield. Second only to Achilles in prowess, he is described as a giant among men, wielding a massive shield made of seven ox hides and bronze. His steadfast nature earns him the epithet “bulwark of the Achaeans,” as he often protects the Greek forces during critical moments of the war. One of his most memorable feats is defending the Greek ships from the Trojan onslaught, where he fights tirelessly and repels Hector, the Trojan prince, in fierce combat.
Despite his martial prowess, Ajax is also characterized by a tragic flaw: his pride. This becomes a central theme in later stories about him, particularly after Achilles’ death. When the armor of Achilles is awarded to Odysseus instead of Ajax, he feels deeply insulted. Consumed by anger and humiliation, Ajax plots to kill the Greek leaders but is driven mad by the goddess Athena. In his delusion, he slaughters a herd of livestock, mistaking them for his enemies. Upon regaining his senses and realizing the disgrace he has brought upon himself, Ajax takes his own life by falling on his sword.

Lokris, Lokris Opuntii
369 – 338 BCE
AR Hemidrachm 16mm 2,56g
Wreathed head of Persephone right, wearing single-drop earring /
OΠΟΝΤΙΩΝ; Ajax advancing right, nude but for crested helmet, brandishing dagger and shield with serpent device; kantharos between his legs.
SNG Cop 50

Lokris, Skarpheia
Circa 400-338 BCE
Æ 16,5mm 4,11g
OBV: Head of Demeter r.
REV: ΣΚΑΡΦΕΙΩΝ Ajax advancing r., with shield and sword.
BCD Lokris-Phokis 159.4; SNG Copenhagen 81