Kings of Thrace. Agathokles, son of Lysimachos
circa 290s-283/2 BCE Adramyteion
AE Bronze, 13 mm, 1.90 g, 11 h
Laureate head of Apollo to right. Rev. AΓA-ΘO Double-bodied owl standing facing.
HGC 3 -. Terin Series 7, 8
Ex Leu
Parent-child relationships were so much harsher back then. Now, punishments include going to your room, loss of TV privileges, or (the most severe) loss of phone. In the hellenistic days, such minor offenses such as plotting to overthrow your father’s kingdom meant death.
Such was the case with Agathokles, the son of Lysimachos. He was born for stardom as the son of a Diadochos on one side and the grandson of Antipater on the other. His fandom reached such a point that he founded his own city called Agathokleia in Mysia. Founding or renaming cities was all the rage back then, and was the ultimate gift for the rich and famous who could have everything else. His sister, Eurydike, also had her own city.
However, there are pitfalls to being next in line for the throne. His existence was a strong threat to his mother-in-law Arsinoe II, who gave Lysimachos three sons who she wanted in line for the throne.
There are differing accounts whether Arsinoe II framed Agathokles for conspiring to overthrow his father, or whether Lysimachos figured that out by himself. Regardless, Agathokles met the chopping block and the repercussions were severe.
His wife, Lysandra, fled over to the big power in the region, Seleukos, who promptly marched over with his army and killed Lysimachos in battle. Yet Arsinoe II didn’t get by unscathed. Her attempt to consolidate power by marrying her half-brother Ptolemy Keraunos ended in disaster when he murdered her two youngest children, and she was forced to flee to her brother Ptolemy II in Egypt.
Neither did Ptolemy Keraunos get through this. Some accounts have him complicity in the framing of Agathokles, and two years later, after murdering Seleukos, he faced an army of Gauls during which his head was placed on a spike and paraded around.
Agathokles is born to Lysimachos and Nikaia.
Agathokles is born to Lysimachos and Nikaia.
Agathokles marries Lysandra, the daughter of Ptolemy I Soter and Eurydike.
Agathokles is sent by Lysimachos against the Getai, but he is taken prisoner.
Agathokles is sent by Lysimachos against Demetrios I Poliorketes and successfullly dislodges him from Lydia and Caria.
Lysimachos executes his son Agathokles for treason, and Ephesos revolts as a result.
Agathokles is executed by Lysimachos. There are many versions, but one is he was poisoned by Arsinoe II at Lysimachos’ urging. Others implicate Ptolemy Keraunos.