Megaris, Megara
Geta Caesar, 198-209 CE
Ae 6.07g 24mm
Obv: ΛOY CЄΠT ΓЄTA K. Bareheaded and draped bust right.
Rev: MЄΓAΡЄΩN. Athena standing right, wielding spear and holding shield.
BCD Peloponessos -; NCP p. 7, 9 and A, XI
Pausanias wrote “And on the hill where the citadel stands, is a temple of Athena, and in it is a gilded bronze statue of the goddess, except the hands and feet which are, like the face, of ivory. And there is another temple here of Athena called Nike and another of Athena Aiantis.”
Imhoof-Blumer and Gardner add “It would seem that this rather archaic and stiff type is most appropriate to Athene Aiantis.”
Athene Aiantis literally means “Athena of Ajax”. Ajax was a hero in Homer’s Iliad. After Achilles’ death, both he and Odysseus competed for the armor of Achilles. When they were awarded to Odysseus, Ajax felt betrayed and was driven mad by Athena, causing him to massacre a herd of sheep he thought were his enemies.