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According to some sources, Mantho was the daughter of the blind prophet Teiresias, one of the most famous seers in Greek mythology. Teiresias, who was said to possess the gift of prophecy from the gods, passed this gift on to his daughter, who similarly became a renowned figure for her ability to foresee the future. While Teiresias himself was mostly associated with the city of Thebes, Mantho is often linked to the region of Delphi, another significant oracle center in ancient Greece. In some versions of her story, she is depicted as an oracle priestess who serves at the Delphic sanctuary, where she would interpret the messages of the gods. Her association with Delphi highlights the region’s central role in prophetic activities in Greek religion, adding to the significance of her character as a divine intermediary.
The most notable aspect of Mantho’s mythology is her connection to the oracle, a pivotal institution in Greek religion. The ancient Greeks believed that the gods communicated their will through oracles, and seers like Mantho were essential in interpreting these divine messages. In some versions of her myth, she is said to have assisted her father Teiresias in his prophetic duties, working together to communicate divine will and offer guidance to those who sought it. While less is known about her specific prophecies, her character reflects the high regard for divine insight and mystical wisdom that was central to Greek religious practice.

Pelinna, Thessaly
circa 350 BCE
14.26mm 2.60g
Horseman left
Mantho seated right opening a coffin. PELIN-NAIE
Pozzi / Boutin 2832