Approximate birth of Valerian I.
Approximate birth year of Gallienus to Valerian and Mariniana.
Valerian I serves as princeps senatus and negotiates with Gordian I for his acclamation as Emperor.
Valerian I chosen as censor by the Senate.
Valerian I mobilizes troops to come to the aid of Trebonianus Gallus, but arrives too late.
Valerian II made Caesar under Valerian and Gallienus.
Valerian I recovers Antioch and returns Syria to Roman control.
Ingenuus revolts against Gallienus and Valerian. Gallienus quickly meets him in battle and defeats him. Ingenuus is killed by his own guards or commits suicide.
Regalianus revolts against Gallienus and Valerian. He is killed by invading Roxolani after ruling for six months.
Valerian I attempts to reach Edessa but is slowed by a plague.
The Roman army under Valerian is defeated by Shapur I at the Battle of Edessa. Valerian is taken prisoner. Gallienus becomes the sole Emperor.