Bashlyk | Herakles | Lionskin | Stater
Cilicia, Soloi Tiribazos, satrap.
AR Stater 9.92g, 21mm, 6h
Circa 385-380 BCE
Bearded head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin around neck
Bearded head of satrap to right, wearing bashlyk; ΣΟΛEΩ[N] around
SNG BnF 159; Traité II, 566; SNG Levante –
Ex Roma
440 BCE

Approximate birth of Tiribazos.

392 BCE

Tiribazos provides funds to rebuild the Spartan fleet to contend with Athens.

386 BCE

Orontas is made a commander with Tiribazos against Evagoras I in Cyprus.

382 BCE

Orontas and Tiribazos defeat Evagoras I at Kition.

370 BCE

Approximate death of Tiribazos.