The 10,000 Dateline
Tissaphernes is born.
Approximate birth of Tiribazos.
Estimated birth year of Artaxerxes II to Parysatis and Darius II.
Approximate birth year of Ataxerxes III Okhos to Artaxerxes II and Queen Stateira.
Darius II, the father of Artaxerxes II, ascends the throne of Persia.
Tissaphernes suppresses the rebellion of Pissuthnes against Darius II.
Pharnabazos is first recorded as satrap of Hellespontine Phrygia.
Under Darius I’s orders, Tissaphernes allies with Sparta over Athens and re-occupies most of the Ionian coast.
Archeptolis, who controls Magnesia ad Maeander, is removed, possibly by Tissaphernes.
Iasos is governed by Amorges, a Persian who had achieved independence from Persia. Iasos is attacked by Spartans, who deliver Amorges to Tissaphernes and plunder the city.
Pharnabazos orders ships built at Antandros. At the same time, Syracuse helps Antandros finish its city wall, resulting in citizen privileges for Syracusans there. When the ships are complete, Pharnabazos sails for Kalchedon.
408 BCE
Abydos attacked by Athens but repelled by Pharnabazos.
Darius II removes Tissaphernes as a general, though he remains satrap of Caria.
Cyrus the Younger attempts to kill his brother Artaxerxes II at his coronation. Artaxerxes is prevented from killing Cyrus by their mother, so he instead sends him to Asia Minor. Tissaphernes is responsible for divulging the plot.
The Athenian exile Alkibiades is executed at his house in Persia, possibly at the order of Pharnabazos.
Death of Darius II. His son Artaxerxes II becomes king of Persia.
The army of Cyrus the Younger defeats that of Artaxerxes II at the Battle of Cunaxa at Babylon. However, Cyrus the Younger is killed. Orontas participates as the satrap of Armenia.
Tissaphernes tricks the leaders of the 10,000 into joining him for a dinner, then arrests and decapitates them.
Pharnabazos is a major adversary of the 10,000 on their journey home.
The wife of Artaxerxes II, Stateira, is poisoned by his mother, Parysatis.
397 BCE
Deryklidas of Sparta supports the Ionian Greeks against the Persians. He besieges Atarneos for eight months until they accept his terms and takes Hamaxitos, Kolonai, and Ilion. This ends in an armistice with Pharnabazos.
Xenophon receives support from Prokles when he arrives in Mysia.
During a battle between Deryklidas of Sparta and Pharnabazos with Tissaphernes, men from Priene and Achilleion fighting with the Spartans fled. Hamaxitos and Larissa-Ptolemais thus receive their freedom again.
The Spartans under Agesilaos II attack and Persia. Artaxerxes II retaliates by bribing Corinth, Thebes, and Athens to make war on Sparta.
Tissaphernes is lured out and killed at Kolossai by Tithraustes, supported by Pharnabazos and Parysatis, the mother of Artaxerxes II.
The Spartan admiral Peisander is defeated and killed by a fleet headed by Pharnabazos and former Athenian admiral Konon at the Battle of Knidos.
Pharnabazos establishes a naval base at Melos.
Pharnabazos travels to Corinth and provides them with funds to rebuild their fleet, then he provides Athens the funds to rebuild their long walls.
Iphikrates marries the daughter of Kotys I.
Peace of Antalkidas, arranged by Artaxerxes II, is signed in Susa, ending the Corinthian War. Abydos, Aigai, Kalchedon, Kaunos, Klazomenai, Kyzikos, Parion, Samos, and Adramytteion become part of the Persian Empire.
Amyntas III adopts the Athenian general Iphikrates, who has marriage ties to Kotys I.
Pharnabazos is reassigned by Artaxerxes II to lead an expedition into Egypt against Nektanebo I.
The Egyptian campaign under Pharnabazos fails.
Many Persian satraps revolt against Artaxerxes II.
Approximate death of Tiribazos.
Persia under Artaxerxes II provides funds to Sparta to continue the Spartan-Theban war. They probably also provide funds to Athens.
Artaxerxes II attempts to mediate between the Greek states. He proposes a settlement that highly favors Thebes and leaves Messene free. All states except for Thebes reject it.
Spithridates is appointed the satrap of Lydia by Artaxerxes II.
Orontas takes a leadership role in the Great Satraps Revolt. He then switches his allegiance to Artaxerxes II. He uses Pergamon as his base.
The Great Satraps Revolt is finally crushed by Artaxerxes II.
Kotys I is murdered in Thrace. Amatokos II becomes king.
Kersebleptes inherits the Odrysian throne from Kotys I.
Death of Artaxerxes II.
Orontas revolts again and takes Pergamon. He eventually reconciles with Artaxerxes III and ends the revolt.
Death of Orontas.