Cyprus, Marium, Stasioikos II
AE 16 4.32g.
c. 330-312 BCE
Shield adorned with wreath containing ‘sa-pa’ in Cypriot /
Head of lion facing, [MAPIEYΣ(?)] below
Cf. Tziambazis 57 (Timarchos); Destrooper 17 (no king named); cf. Cox, Curium p. 86
Ex Harlan J Berk
The Era of the Diadochi was not kind to the kings of Cyprus. During the time of Alexander the Great, the island was divided into ten kingdoms, many of which supported him. However, none really survived the fracture that proceeded his death. Such was the case with Stasioikos II, who was the last king of Marion.
Stasioikos II took power sometime around 330 BCE, so after the Siege of Tyre but before the death of Alexander. What little we know about him, though, was his big mistake afterwards.
Each player in the Game of Diadochi was asked a series of questions about who they supported. Those who gave the right answer lived a little longer, while wrong answeres resulted in death. Stasioikos II chose Antigonos I Monophthalmos, who for many folks was the right answer at the time. However, in Cyprus that was the wrong answer.
Ptolemy I Soter leveled Marion and killed Stasioikos. He was the last king of Marion because the city no longer existed after that. Only forty years later was it rebuilt, but this time by Ptolemy II and named Arsinoe after his sister/wife Arsinoe II.