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In ancient Greece, stars on coins were frequently associated with the gods and divine authority. For example, the star could be used as a symbol of the goddess Artemis, who was often depicted with a star or constellation above her head to signify her connection to the moon and the night sky. Similarly, the star and crescent symbol, which appeared on coins of various Greek cities, represented the moon goddess Selene. Stars also symbolized the celestial realm more broadly and were seen as guiding lights, offering protection and divine favor to those under their influence.
Roman coins similarly used stars as representations of divine approval and imperial power. The most common use of stars in Roman coinage was to symbolize the emperor’s divine status and his connection to the gods. Stars often appeared on coins to signify that the emperor had been elevated to the heavens upon his death, becoming a god himself in the process of apotheosis. For instance, stars could appear above the heads of emperors or within the imagery of coins issued for imperial cult worship, emphasizing the emperor’s special status as divinely favored. One famous example is the star on the reverse of coins issued during the reign of the emperor Augustus, where it signified his role as a son of a god (the adopted son of Julius Caesar, who was deified after his assassination).
Stars were also used as symbols of good fortune and hope in the broader Roman coinage, especially during times of political change or crisis. For example, a star might be shown rising above a person or a deity, symbolizing a new era or the rise of a new leader. This could be a hopeful sign for the future of the Roman state or a representation of the divine will aligning with the political order.

Abydos, Troas 300 BCE

Alexander Jannaios 103-76 BCE

Alexander Jannaios 103-76 BCE

Alexarchos 300 BCE

Amastris 285-250 BCE

Amisos (?), Pontos 130-100 BCE

Aquilia Severa 220-222 CE

Ariobarzanes III 52-42 BCE

Audoleon 315-28 BCE

Aurelian 270-275 CE

Birytis, Troas 4th-3rd cent BCE

Bohémond III 1163-1201 CE

Chersonesos, Thrace 386-338 BCE

Constantine II 326-327 CE

Constantius Gallus 350-351 CE

Crispus 322-323 CE

Deiotaros 62-40 BCE

Diocletian 284-305 CE

Dioscurias, Colchis 105-90 BCE

Elagabalus 218-222 CE

Ephesos Hinterlands 350-333 BCE

Euboian League 304-290 BCE

Gambrion, Mysia 400-300 BCE

Gambrion, Mysia 4th-3rd century BCE

Gamerses 400-380 BCE

Gargara, 3rd-2nd centuries BCE

Julia Paula 219-220 CE

Kardia, Chersonese 350-309 BCE

Kea, Cyclades 4th-3rd centuries BCE

Kios, Bithynia 345-315 BCE

Koinon of Macedon 220-244 CE

Koinon of Macedon 238-244 CE

Koinon of Macedon 239-244 CE

Kolone, Troas 4th century BCE

Kolone, Troas 4th Century BCE

Laranda (Lykaonia) 324/323 BCE

Maximian 295-296 CE

Maximianus 285-295 CE

Maximinus Daia 312 CE

Methymna, Lesbos 350-240 BCE

Orchomenos, Boeotia 371-364 BCE

Orthagoreia, Macedon 350 BCE

Pantikapaion 109-105 BCE

Parion, Mysia 350-300 BCE

Pergamon 310-282 BCE

Pharkadon, Thessaly 400-350 BCE

Pharnakeia, Pontos 85-65 BCE

Pumiathon of Kition 362-312 BCE

Rhizous, Thessaly 4th Century BCE

Soloi, Cilicia 400-350 BCE

Tabai, Karia 1st Century BCE

Termessos, Pisidia 71-36 BCE

Thymbra, Troas 4th century BCE

Tigranes II 80-68 BCE

Vabalathus 272 CE

Valens 364-378 CE