Spithridates, Satrap von Lydien und Ionien
AE 1.25g 10mm
334 BCE
Vs.: Kopf des Spithridates mit Tiara n. r.
Catalog: SNG v. Aulock 1823; Klein 367; SNG Cop. 1538
Spithridates is famous for “almost” changing the course of history. You see, normal people did things like strategy and planning. The bravest, which included Spithridates, just went for it.
So, during the Battle of the Granicus, Spithridates spied Alexander the Great and headed straight toward him along with his brother Rhosakes. His brother got int a few hits on Alexander, who eventually killed him.
Spithridates, meanwhile, came up behind him and had his sword drawn and ready to slice open Alexander‘s head while he wasn’t looking. Unfortunately for Spithridates, Kleitos the Black was looking and promptly chopped off Spithridates’ arm before he could finish.
Spithridates therefore died on the battlefield. Had he killed Alexander, who knows how different things would be now. However, he may be happier to know that he’s still known for that one heroic, though stupid, act.
Spithridates is appointed the satrap of Lydia by Artaxerxes II.
Spithridates nearly kills Alexander III at the Battle of Granicus, but his arm is sheared off by Kleitos the Black before he can land the blow.