Caduceus | Demeter | Zeus
Paphlagonia, Sesamos
4th century BCE
AE 3.38g 14.25mm
D/ T. l. de Zeus à g.
R/ T. de Déméter à g., cour. d’épis. Au-dessus, caducée. Derrière le cou, ΣH. Sous le menton, ΣA
SNG BM 1358; SNG von Aulock 194-195 var
Ex Jean Elsen

Sesamos was a city in Paphlagonia that was eventually combined by Queen Amastris into the city of Amastris, along with its neighbor Kromna. Sesamos itself was mentioned by Homer, though we know very little about its history before being joined into Amastris.

Coins from Sesamos are rare.

300 BCE

The city of Amastris is founded by Amastris, a Persian princess and the niece of the Persian king Darius III. She establishes the city by combining four smaller settlements: Sesamos, Kytoros, Tios, and Kromna.