Erymanthos | Fish | Green | River God
Arkadia. Psophis
Circa 350-300 BCE
AE 13.87mm 2.01g
Obverse: Wreathed head of the river-god Erymanthos right
Reverse: Fish right, ΨΩΦI below
Attribution: BCD Peloponnesos 1684
Ex BCD Collection

In the earliest days, the city of Psophis was called Erymanthos because it was ravaged by the Erymanthian Boar, which took a group of the most famous warriors of the time to take down, and even then several didn’t survive.

It was then renamed Phegeos in honor of one of its first kings. The general Alkmeon fled here after killing his mother, who had betrayed him. While in Psophis, he married the king’s daughter, Alphesiboia. As a wedding present, he received as gifts the necklace and robe of Harmonia.

Unfortunately for him, the necklace of Harmonia had a curse that made its wearer go mad. The entire story is fascinating and I need to expound on it after I’ve done more research.

Both Pausanias and Polybios described the city, though the temple was already ruined.

219 BCE

Psophis is taken by Philip V.