Demeter | Grain | Nymph | Torch
Thessaly, Proerna
late 4th-early 3rd centuries BCE
Æ Dichalkon 21,6mm, 4.69g
Head of nymph facing slightly r.
R/ Demeter standing l., holding torch and grain ear; monogram to l.
Cf. Rogers 534; BCD Thessaly I –; BCD Thessaly II 720; HGC 4, 28

Not much is known about the history of Proerna except that it was taken by Antiochos III in the conflict with the Romans. Most of the ancient reports mention its location, sometimes erroneously.

The site has been found and much excavation has occurred there. It is believed that most of the walls and towers were built during the time of Demetrios I Poliorketes or Kassander.

191 BCE

The Romans under Manius Acilius Glabrio receive the surrender of Krannon, Pharsalos, Skotussa, Proerna, and Pherai.