
333 BCE

Alexander the Great conquers Cilicia and Pisidia, including Aigai.Tarsos (where he became ill after a swim in the Kydnos River), Soloi, Sagalassos, and Issos.

333 BCE

Selge sends an embassy to Alexander III and obtains his friendship.

333 BCE

Alexander III fails to take Termessos.

319 BCE

Antigonos Monophthalmos forces Termessos to give up Alketas. He then murders him and leaves.

218 BCE

Selge is besieged by Achaios and sue for peace after supplies dwindle.

189 BCE

Termessos besieges the city Isinda. When the Roman consul Gnaeus Manlius Vulso discovers this, he orders the siege raised and fines Termessos.

71 BCE

Rome declares Termessos an independent city.

39 BCE

Sagalassos given to the Galatian king Amyntas.

25 BCE

On the death of Amyntas, king of Galatia, Rome turns Pisidia – including Sagalassos, Side, and Kremna – into a separate province of Galatia.


Komama is founded.

276 CE

Kremna is taken by the robber Lydius from Isaura.

276 CE

Tacitus visits Kremna.

518 CE

An earthquake devastates Sagalassos.

2009 CE
April 7

The author of this page visits the ruins of Termessos, where he is alone.