I find it interesting that so many cities in Thessaly start with ‘ph’. I have Phakion, Phalanna, Phaloria, Pharkadon, Pharsalos, and Pherai.
Not much is known about Phakion during the time of Alexander the Great. Before that, Brasidas of Sparta marched through there. The next we hear is Philip V destroying the city.
The town was named after the Greek word ‘phakos’, which means ‘lentils’. Evidently they really liked lentils.
The site of Phakion remains unknown.
424 BCE
The Spartan general Brasidas captures Amphipolis and then Galepsos. He travels through Melitaia and camps at Phakion.
198 BCE
Philip V destroys Phakion.
191 BCE
Marcus Baebius Tamphilus takes Phakion.