Apollo | Forepart | Lion
Macedon. Phagres
400-350 BCE
Æ 10 mm 1,16g
Laureate head of Apollo to right.
R/ ΦA ΓP Forepart of a lion to right.
HGC 3.1 -. Liampi, Phagres 5 (O5/R-)

Depending on the time and who you ask, Phagres was either in Thrace or Macedon. It certainly started out as part of Thrace, but when conquered by Philip II it became part of Macedon, where it remained for some time.

We’re unsure whether Philip destroyed Phagres. Certainly he caused some damage, but there is some evidence that it remained occupied until Roman times.

Phagres was founded by colonists from Thasos.

Lions are known on both Thracian and Macedonian coins, and the animal was still present in the area at the time this was minted.