Thrace. Odessos
mid 3rd century BCE
Æ 15 mm, 3,92 g
Head of female right, wearing tainia
Odessos reclining left; inverted amphora above
Topalov, Odesos 1; HGC 3.2, 1594
Ex Savoca
For some time I was confused about Odessos, because I just assumed it was the same as Odessa, Ukraine. However, it isn’t. The modern day city is Varna, which is the third largest city in Bulgaria.
Of course, in ancient times this was Thrace, and the Odrysian kings either ruled or made alliances with Odessa at various points. The parts of Thrace not already under the control of Philip II were conquered by Alexander the Great, and Odessos came with them.
Later on, the area was overrun by Celts. Although there has been a lot of archeology done on Odessos, today we don’t know as much about its history as with other similar-sized cities elsewhere in Greece, primarily because the Greeks considered them barbarians.
Approximate foundation of Odessos by settlers from Miletos.
Philip II unsuccessfully besieges Odessos.
Odessos surrenders to Alexander III.
Odessos rebels against Lysimachos.
Possible beginning of reign of Kavaros whose capital was Odessos.
Odessos places itself under Mithridates VI.
Odessos is annexed to the province of Moesia.
Possible end of reign of Kavaros, whose capital was Odessos.