Nero 54-68 CE
Denarius Lugdunum 56-57 CE
AR 19.00mm, 3.67 g
Bare head r.
Rev. EX SC within wreath C 207
RIC 12
December 15
Birth of Nero to Agrippina the Younger.
Agripinna, the mother of Nero, is implicated in a failed plot to kill Caligula. Her property is taken and she is exiled to a remote island. Nero goes to live with his paternal aunt.
Death of Domitius, father of Nero.
Claudius marries his niece, Agrippina the Younger, in a controversial union. Agrippina’s influence grows quickly at court, and she promotes her son, Nero, over Claudius’s own son, Britannicus.
February 25
Claudius adopts Agrippina’s son, Nero, as his heir, effectively sidelining his biological son, Britannicus.
Marriage of Nero to Claudia Octavia.
Seneca begins advising Nero.
October 13
Claudius dies, possibly poisoned by his wife, Agrippina, using a dish of mushrooms. His death is widely believed to have been orchestrated by Agrippina to ensure her son Nero’s succession.
February 11
Death of Britannicus, with Nero strongly suspected of poison.
Domitius Corbulo, fighting on behalf of Nero, takes the Armenian capital of Artaxata.
A revolt occurs in Britain. Nero considers abandoning the province, then decides to appoint a more lenient governor.
Nero murders his mother Agrippina.
Nero commissions a successful exploration of the Nile.
Nero begins construction of his first palace, the Domus Transitoria.
Laodikeia ad Lykon is destroyed by an earthquake. Nero provides funds for the rebuild.
Nero divorces Claudia Octavia on claims of infidelity.
The Aqua Neronis is constructed by Nero as an extension of the Aqua Claudia.
Nero executes several rivals on claims of treason.
Seneca attempts to retire on seeing his influence wane, but is prevented by Nero.
Claudia Octavia exiled by Nero to Pandateria.
Marriage of Nero to Poppaea.
June 9
Claudia Octavia executed in exile on orders of Nero.
January 21
Birth of Claudia Augusta to Poppaea and Nero.
Death of Claudia Augusta, the daughter of Nero.
July 18
Great fire of Rome, during which Nero is supposed to have played the fiddle.
Nero accuses Christians of starting the Great Fire, and summarily executes and burns many alive.
Nero begins construction of the Domus Aurea.
Death of Poppaea, wife of Nero. He allegedly kicks her severely while she is pregnant and kills her.
Seneca is caught up in a conspiracy to kill Nero. Although it’s unlikely he took part, Seneca is forced by Nero to commit suicide.
Nerva is instrumental in informing Nero of the Pisonian conspiracy.
The Olympic Games at Olympia are postponed for two years under orders of Nero.
Colossus of Nero is constructed in Rome.
Marriage of Nero to Statilia Messalina. Her husband is forced to commit suicide so the wedding may occur.
Emperor Nero visits Corinth and begins construction on a canal across the Isthmus of Corinth, intending to connect the Aegean and Ionian Seas. The project is abandoned after Nero’s death in 68 CE.
Nero has the young boy Sporus castrated and then marries him.
Nero dispatches Vespasian to quell the Jewish Revolt.
Vespasian accompanies Nero to Greece, but loses political favor when he falls asleep during Nero’s performance on the lyre.
Gaius Julius Vindex revolts against Nero in Gaul. Lucius Verginius Rufus is ordered to put down the rebellion.
Vindex is defeated at the Battle of Vesontio. Soldiers of Verginius urge him to take the throne from Nero, but he refuses.
June 9
Nero commits suicide.