Altar | Zeus
Kilikia, Mopsos
Circa 2nd-1st century BCE
AE 21mm 7.11g
Obv: laureate head of Zeus right
Rev: [Μ]ΟΨΕΑΤΩΝ / [Τ]Η[Σ ΙΕ]ΡΑΣ / KAI / [A]YTONOMOY, circular altar on legs
SNG PFPS 922 (same dies)

Mopsos was named for the seer Mopsos, who appears in many legends. During Seleukid times, it was referred to as Seleukeia on the Pyramos. It then took on different names under various emperors. For example, under Hadrian it was Hadria and under Decius it was Decia. Back when I lived in Michigan they had to change all the signs at the Department of Motor Vehicles every time a new Secretary of State was elected, but this was worse.

Antiochos X Eusebes and Seleukos VI Epiphanes fought a battle near Mopsos. When Antiochos won, Seleukos took refuge in Mopsos, where the people killed him. In retaliation, his brothers destroyed Mopsos. This just shows one should not get involved in others’ family disputes.

The Roman bridge over the Pyramos is still in use.