Magnus Maximus
Arles mint
AE2 21.95mm 4.7g
383-388 CE
Obv: D N MAG MAXI – MVS P F AVG Draped and cuirassed bust right with peral diadem
Rev: REPARATIO – REPUB Emperor standing on right Victory on globe in left hand. Raising turreted female figure on left. SCON in exergue
RIC IX 26a
Ex Iberico Collection
Magnus Maximus serves under Theodosius in Africa.
Magnus Maximus is assigned to Britain.
Magnus Maximus defeats an incursion of Picts and Scots.
Magnus Maximus, who had declared himself Augustus, crosses over to Gaul from Britain and meets the forces of Gratian, whose army defects to Magnus Maximus. Gratian flees.
August 25
Gratian is pursued by a lieutenant of Magnus Maximus and killed at Lugdunum. Valentinian II is the only legitimate augustus in the west.
Magnus Maximus is recognized as the augustus in the West by Valentinian II and Theodosius I.
Valentinian II escapes from Magnus Maximus to Theodosius I in the east.
Magnus Maximus invades Italy.
Magnus Maximus issues an edict where he censures Christians in Rome who had burned down a synagogue. Bishop Ambrose, who later became a saint, states “the emperor has become a jew”.
Theodosius defeats Magnus Maximus at the Battle of Poetovio.
August 28
Magnus Maximus surrenders to Theodosius I in Aquileia and is executed.