Larissa was one of the first cities on my list because it was the birthplace of Philinna, who was one of Philip II’s wives and the mother of Philip Arrhidaeus. Philip married her in order to form an alliance with the Aleuadae family, which was one of the most powerful in Larissa.
Philip was actually Philinna’s second marriage. Although we don’t know what happened to her first husband, she had a son named Amphilakos with him, who was given the satrapy of Mesopatamia after Alexander’s death. Therefore, although she was later slandered as a dancing girl or whore, it’s clear that she must have come from a considerably powerful family.
Larissa itself was founded by Akrisios in mythology. He was accidentally killed by his son Perseus, who struck him on the head with a discus. Peleus and his son Achilles also lived in Larissa.
During the Peloponnesian War, Larissa sided with Athens, since both cities were democratic. In 344 BCE, it was annexed by Philip II, and remained under Macedonia until Roman times except a brief occupation by Demetrios I Poliorketes in 302 BCE.
The modern city of Larissa is the largest in Thessaly and of great importance. Some of the ruins of the ancient city are still visible though.
Thorax of Larissa helps Xerxes in his march towards Athens.
Birth of Meno, who helped lead the 10,000 with Xenophon, in Larissa.
Medios of Larissa takes Pharsalos by force.
Amyntas III recovers Macedon with the help of Thessaly and particularly Larissa.
Death of the philosopher Gorgias of Leontini in Larissa.
Death of the famous physician Hippokrates in Larissa.
While on their way from Pherai to Larissa, Polydoros is killed in his sleep by Polyphron.
Alexander II intervenes in Thessaly to support the city of Larissa against the tyrant Alexander of Pherae.
Marriage of Philinna, from Larissa, to Philip II.
Philip II annexes Larissa into Macedonia.
Demetrios Poliorketes captures Larissa.
Philip V spends the summer at Larissa.
After the Battle of Cynoscephalae, the treaty between the Romans and Philip V is signed at Larissa.
Larissa becomes the headquarters of the Thessalian League.