Kings of Galatia. Deiotaros
62-40 BCE
Bronze 27 mm, 11,75 g
Obv: Winged bust of Nike to right; to left: female head to right within round incuse.
Rev: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ – ΔHIOTAPOY. Eagle with spread wings standing right on thunderbolt, head turned back to left; to left and right, pilei surmounted with stars.
SNG Paris 2333; SNG von Aulock 6103
Deiotaros was a strong ally of the Romans and was rewarded with extra territory. He was especially instrumental in the campaigns against Mithridates VI.
Birth of Deiotaros of Galatia.
Deiotaros of Galatia assists the Romans against Mithridates VI.
Approximate year when Pompey rewards Deiotaros for his assistance against Mithridates VI by making him King of Galatia. Pessinos loses its sacred status.
Deiotaros of Galatia allies with Pompey over Julius Caesar.
Julius Caesar pardons Deiotaros for siding with Pompey.
Deiotaros accused by his grandson of trying to kill Julius Caesar while he was staying in Galatia. Cicero defends him.
Deiotaros of Galatia switches his support to the triumvirs.
Sagalassos given to the Galatian king Amyntas.
Pessinos becomes the capital of the Galatian tribe of theTolistobogii.
The Pontic Kingdom is officially annexed to the Roman Empire. Amaseia is no longer the capital because it is reorganized into the province of Galatia.
On the death of Amyntas, king of Galatia, Rome turns Pisidia – including Sagalassos, Side, and Kremna – into a separate province of Galatia.