Julius Caesar AR Denarius.
Military mint travelling with Caesar, 49-48 BCE
Elephant advancing to right, trampling on serpent; CAESAR in exergue / Emblems of the pontificate: simpulum, aspergillum, securis (surmounted by wolf’s head), and apex. Crawford 443/1; CRI 9; BMCRR Gaul 27-30; RSC 49. 3.26g, 20mm, 2h.
July 12
Birth of Julius Caesar.
Gaius Julius Caesar, the father of Julius Caesar, serves as proconsular governor of Asia.
Death of Julius Caesar’s father.
Marriage of Julius Caesar to Cornelia.
Sulla orders Julius Caesar to divorce Cornelia, but he refuses. Julius Caesar goes into hiding.
Lucullus undertakes the Siege of Mytilene. Julius Caesar serves with him.
Julius Caesar serves in the staff of the governor of Asia, Marcus Minucius Thermus.
Julius Caesar spends time in Bithynia and is a guest of Nikomedes IV.
Upon learning of the death of Sulla, Julius Caesar returns to Rome.
Birth of Julia to Cornelia and Julius Caesar.
Julius Caesar travels to Rhodes to study with Apollonius Molon.
While on his way back from Rhodes, Julius Caesar is intercepted and ransomed by pirates.
Julius Caesar enlists in the effort to pull troops from the provinces for the Third Mithridatic War.
Julius Caesar is inducted into the most prestigious order of priests.
Julius Caesar serves as a military tribune but is not believed to have seen battle.
Julius Caesar serves as quaestor.
Death of Cornelia, wife of Julius Caesar, possibly from childbirth.
Julius Caesar, during his campaigns in Greece, visits the sanctuary of Asklepios at Epidauros.
Julius Caesar marries Pompeia, granddaughter of Sulla.
Julius Caesar is elected in charge of the maintenance of public buildings and public festivals.
Julius Caesar is elected Pontifex Maximus, the head of the state religion.
Julius Caesar is elected praetor.
September 23
Gaius Octavius Thurinus (later Augustus) is born in Rome. He is the son of Gaius Octavius, a senator and governor, and Atia, the niece of Julius Caesar.
After a man slips into a female-only party held by Pompeia, Julius Caesar divorces her, under the pretense that his wife must be above suspicion.
Julius Caesar is appointed governor of Hispania Ulterior.
Julius Caesar, in desperate need of money, campaigns against the Callaeci and Lusitani, seizes northwestern Spain, and obtains enough plunder.
After his conquests in Spain, Julius Caesar returns to Rome and is forced to choose between a triumph and a consulship. He chooses a consulship.
Julius Caesar serves in his first consulship, with Crassus.
Julius Caesar marries his daughter Julia to Pompey to seal the First Triumvirate.
Beginning of Julius Caesar’s campaigns in Gaul.
Julius Caesar defeats the Helvetti at the Battle of Bibracte.
Julius Caesar defeats the Nervii at the Battle of the Sabis.
Julius Caesar oversees the construction of a bridge across the Rhein.
Julius Caesar undergoes an expedition into Britain.
Pompey and Crassus are elected consuls and extend Julius Caesar’s command in Gaul.
Julius Caesar leaves Britain the face the Eburones and Belgae, who had destroyed a Roman legion. He lures them into battle and defeats them.
Death of Julia, daughter of Julius Caesar and wife to Pompey, from a miscarriage.
Julius Caesar writes his Commentaries on the Gallic War.
Crassus is killed by the Parthians at the Battle of Carrhae, crashing the alliance between him and Pompey and Julius Caesar.
Julius Caesar is defeated the Battle of Gergovia by Vercingetorix of the Averni.
Julius Caesar forces the surrender of Vercingetorix of the Averni at Alesia.
Death of Augustus‘ grandmother, Julia, who raised him. She was the sister of Julius Caesar.
Julius Caesar completes the subjugation of Gaul.
46 BCE
Apameia on the Axios remains under siege by Julius Caesar until Cassius’ arrival.
Deiotaros of Galatia allies with Pompey over Julius Caesar.
December 1
Cicero promotes to disarm Pompey and Julius Caesar in order to avoid war. The motion receives much support, but does not pass because the meeting is dissolved by a consul.
January 7
The Roman Senate votes Julius Caesar an enemy.
January 11
Julius Caesar crosses the Rubicon.
Julius Caesar defeats two of Pompey’s legates at the Battle of Ilerda.
Julius Caesar visits the region following his victory over Pharnaces II (son of Mithridates VI) at the Battle of Zela (near modern-day Zile, close to Amaseia). He reportedly utters the famous phrase “Veni, vidi, vici” (“I came, I saw, I conquered”) after his swift victory.
47 BCE
Amisos falls to Pharnakes II after a long resistance. Julius Caesar recognizes this and declares the city’s freedom.
Pompey forces Julius Caesar to retreat at the Battle of Dyrrhachion.
Julius Caesar, having been repulsed at Dyrrhachion, arrives at Gomphoi but they bar their gates. He takes the city by force.
Julius Caesar bestows benefactions on Ilion.
August 9
Julius Caesar defeats Pompey decisively at the Battle of Pharsalos.
October 2
Julius Caesar arrives in Alexandria and supports Kleopatra VII over her brother, Ptolemy XIII.
Julius Caesar starts an affair with Kleopatra.
Julius Caesar founds a colony in Aesernia to house veterans of his conflict with Pompey.
Julius Caesar lays siege to Alexandria.
Julius Caesar and Kleopatra are besieged in Alexandria by Ptolemy XIII and Arsinoe IV.
Julius Caesar quickly defeats Pharnakes II of the Kingdom of Pontus at Zela, leading to the famous phrase “veni, vidi, vici.”
Julius Caesar pardons Deiotaros for siding with Pompey.
Julius Caesar founds a colony names Colonia Julia Felix at Sinope.
Cassius Longinus schemes to kill Julius Caesar at Tarsos.
The forces of Julius Caesar are relieved in the Siege of Alexandria.
Julius Caesar defeats Ptolemy XIII at the Battle of the Nile.
June 23
Birth of son Caesarion to Kleopatra and Julius Caesar.
Julius Caesar refounds Carthage as Colonia Julia Carthago, establishing it as a Roman colony and initiating new construction.
Julius Caesar defeats Juba of Numidia.
Julius Caesar publishes his book on the civil war.
January 4
Julius Caesar defeated by Titus Labienus at Ruspina in Africa.
April 6
After initially being surrounded, Julius Caesar wins the Battle of Thapsus.
Julius Caesar returns to Italy from Africa.
Julius Caesar celebrates four triumphs in Rome.
Octavius joins Julius Caesar in Hispania (Spain) during Caesar’s campaign against the sons of Pompey.
Deiotaros accused by his grandson of trying to kill Julius Caesar while he was staying in Galatia. Cicero defends him.
March 17
Julius Caesar narrowly defeats Titus Labienus and Gnaeus Pompeius at the Battle of Munda.
Julius Caesar is declared dictator for life.
March 15
Julius Caesar is assassinated. In his will, Caesar adopts Octavius as his son and heir, naming him Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus (Octavian).