Apollo | Countermark | Green | Star | Tripod
Mysia. Gambrion
4th-3rd Century BCE
AE 16.18mm 3.12g
Obverse: Laureate head of Apollo right, tripod countermark
Reverse: Γ-Α-Μ, Star with sixteen rays
SNG Copenhagen 146

Gambrion is first mentioned in Xenophon’s Hellenika as being ruled by Gorgion, son of Gongylos. He provided some support, along with Prokles of Teuthrania, to Xenophon in escaping from a botched kidnapping attempt.

The city was named after a son of Hermes who threw himself into a river (later named for him) after sleeping with his sister. The city was very close to Pergamon.

Apollo | Bull | Butting | Star
Mysia, Gambrion
circa 400-300 BCE
Æ 10mm, 1,07g
Obv: Laureate head of Apollo left
Rev: Bull butting left; star above.
Ref: SNG France 906-7
399 BCE

Xenophon mentions that the ruler of Gambrion and Gryneion is Gorgion, son of Gorgylos.