Cuirassed | Oiskus | Portrait | River God
Gordian III
238-244 CE
Thrace, Deultum
Æ 22mm, 8.39g, 12h
Radiate and cuirassed bust r., with gorgoneion
R/ River god Oiskus reclining l., holding reed and resting on water-urn
RPC VII.2 online – (unassigned; ID 48486)

Deultum was first founded as a trading post of Apollonia Pontika, and eventually grew to become the largest city in the area. Shortly after it was annexed into the Roman Empire in 46 CE, it became a colony for veterans. Unfortunately, not long after that the barbarians arrived.

We don’t know what exact beef they had with the city. Perhaps its hotel beds were uncomfortable or its inhabitants too snooty for their taste, but between 130 and 150 Deultum suffered serious barbarian issues. In the next century it was sacked by Goths and the finally straw came when a Roman army was defeated by the Goths in 377 at the Battle of Deultum. Earlier, in 244, it was visited by Philip the Arab.

Coins from Deultum are common, though this particular one is very rare.

46 CE

Thrace is annexed by the Roman Empire, bringing Agathopolis, Aigiospotamoi, Kabyle, Deultum, and Perinthos under its rule.

82 CE

The people of Deultum petition the powerful senator Titus Avidius Quietus to become a patron the city.

130 CE

Deultum begins to suffer from barbarian attacks.

244 CE

Philip I travels through Deultum.

294 CE

Diocletian travels through Deultum on his way to Nicomedia.

377 CE

A Roman army is defeated by the Goths at the Battle of Deultum.